- Exposure ratios between spectral bands are determined from in situ reflectance spectra of objects in scene. 光谱波段之间的曝光量比值,可以根据景物中目标的就地测定的反射光谱确定。
- The orientation of the fluoric group on solid surfaces can be determined rapidly by the IR mirror reflectance spectra method. 使用红外镜反射光谱法可以快速判断该涂料的含氟基团在固体表面上呈定向分布。
- Cross-polarized diffuse reflectance imaging and erythema index measured by reflectance spectra can measure the color of PWS skin. 其中,评价病变颜色的方法有正交偏振漫反射成像系统、红斑指数评价法;
- Form UV diffuse reflectance spectra, it seems that carbonyl and phenolic groups mainly contribute to the light induced yellowing of poplar APMP. 紫外漫射反射光谱表明 ,杨木APMP机械浆光诱导返色的主要原因是纸浆木质素中羰基和酚羟基团吸收紫外光后变化形成发色结构所致。
- A study on reflectance spectra features of carbonate rocks form the Kalpin Uplift, NW margin of Tarim Basin is carried out. 在室内对新疆塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区碳酸盐岩的反射光谱进行了测量。
- This paper studied the near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of solid sampleswith the help of target factor analysis(TFA). 本文应用目标因子分析研究了固态样品的近红外漫反射光谱。
- The experimental means, reflectance spectra characteristics and application prospects of this method are given in this paper. 本文介绍矿物的红外反射光谱的实验方法、光谱特征及应用前景。
- UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra showed that the absorption of TiO2-S-Fe in the visible light district was strengthened and the band edge moved to longer wavelength obviously. UV-vis漫反射表明,TiO2-S-Fe对可见光吸收增强,吸收带边明显红移;
- This paper analyzed the possibility of reflectance spectra obtained under laboratory conditions for the assessment of Pb,Cd and Hg content in soil quickly. 本文利用实验室实测的土壤反射光谱以及铅、镉、汞等重金属元素数据,进行土壤重金属元素含量快速预测的可行性研究。
- Real data set from near infrared reflectance spectra of Paracetamoli powder pharmaceutical were used to build up artificial network to predict unknown samples. 使用扑热息痛粉末药品的近红外漫反射光谱数据建立人工神经网络模型,预测未知样品。
- The powder pharmaceutical samples of sulfaguanidine are analyzed nondestructive by conventional and first derivative near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra. 用常规和一阶导数近红外漫反射光谱法非破坏分析了粉末药品磺胺脒。
- In addition, the reflection spectrum is optimized by apodization. 此外,利用切趾的方法对光栅的反射谱进行了优化处理。
- We measured the reflectance spectra of pure,3% and 15% Tungsten|doped K 0 3 MoO 3 below and above the charge density wave (CDW) transition temperatures. The conductivity spectra were derived from Kramers|Kronig transformation. 研究了准一维材料K0 3MoO3以及掺杂了 3%25和 15%25的W的样品在TCDW =180K以上和以下的温度时的光反射谱和电导率谱 .
- This paper focuses on obtaining the intrinsic laser induced autofluorescence (LIAF) spectra by using reflectance spectra to minimize the effect of the absorption and scattering of tissue. 利用漫反射光谱所含信息来消除组织对自体荧光散射和吸收的影响,从而提取出组织的固有荧光光谱。
- The results show that the reflectance spectra of J-aggregates of anionic-cationic cyanine dyes adsorbed on AgBrI microcrystals have peak wavelengths of anionic and cationic cyanine dyes. 结果表明:阴阳离子菁染料吸附在碘溴化银立方体颗料表面形成的J-聚集态的反射光谱具有单个阴离子、阳离子菁染料形成J-聚体反射光谱的峰值波长。
- In this paper,a double artificial neural network(DANN) algorithm combined with partial least squares(PLS) wasused to parse near infrared(NIR) reflectance spectra of Cofrel medicine in tablets. 研究偏最小二乘(PLS)结合双人工神经网络(DANN)算法-近红外(NIR)漫反射光谱非破坏定量分析方法。
- A real data set from near -infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of spironolactone pharmaceutical powder was used to built up an artificial neural network model to predict unknown samples. 使用安体舒通粉末药品的近红外漫反射光谱数据建立人工神经网络模型,预测未知样品。
- In order to develop a new technique diagnosing gastric precancer, we constructed a simple spectral measuring equipment to obtain the diffuse reflectance spectra from the gastric tissue. 胃癌正严重地威胁人类的健康,为了开发一种可以诊断早期胃癌的新型光学检测技术,建立了一套简便的组织体漫反射光谱检测装置。
- After deriving the equatio ns of reflectan ce spectrum of compressional and shear waves for thin beds at an arbitrary incid ence angle, the equations of reflectance spectrum of compressional wave for a thin be d are reduced at zero incidence angle. 通过采用实际地震子波为输入子波,对单个楔状体薄层、互层组楔状体地质模型进行了纵波合成记录制作。
- We fabricate desired structured surfaces by holographic lithography, plasma etching and Teflon coating.The performance is evaluated by measuring the reflectance spectrum and contact angle. 实验上,我们采用全像微影术、电浆蚀刻以及旋镀铁氟龙的方式来制作试片,并量测该试片的反射频谱和接触角。