- Ree testosterone 游离睾酮
- Testosterone patch improves sexual function? 睪酮补片有助改善女性性功能?
- The deposits of REE are hosted by aegirine-granite. 霓石碱性花岗岩是稀土成矿的直接母岩,矿床与之紧密共生。
- Gender and Career: Is Testosterone a Factor? 性别与职业:睾固酮是个因素?
- Physiological functions of testosterone, estrogen and progestogen. 睾酮、雌激素及孕激素的生理作用。
- Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone. 睾丸甾酮是一种雄性激素或雄性类固醇激素。
- The REE chondrite normalized model is in a right_dipping form. 硅和硫具深部岩浆或岩浆热液来源的特点。
- Vinyl testosterone also shows a weak band near 3085?? 乙烯睾丸素也在3085厘?瞥鱿忠桓鋈跗状?。
- They measured the amount of testosterone in their subjects' saliva. 她们测试了实验对象唾液中的睾丸素量。
- But high testosterone levels have no such effect on women. 但是,高水平的睾酮激素对女性没有这种影响效果。
- A nation can no more exist without people than a t ree can grow without root s. 一个国家不能离开人民而存在,正如树没有根不能生长一样。
- The REE distribution pattern of the Xihu lake is similar to that of andesite. 西湖沉积物稀土分布模式与安山岩相似。
- The REE of breccia biotite schist represents feature of oceanic tholeiite. 角砾状黑云母片岩的REE具有洋脊拉斑玄武岩特征;
- I ill be adanage if ep are aken ree r bine relainhip n he bai f al benefi. 如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。
- Shore REE placer is one of the most important exogenetic ore deposits of REE. 由于砂矿中的稀土矿物是由基岩风化搬运而来,故了解沿海陆地基岩的岩石类型和岩性十分重要。
- The sex hormone such as progestin, testosterone and dihydrotheelin, etc. 孕酮、睾酮、雌二醇等性激素。
- By u sing th is new p rocess the lo ss of metal reduced th ree t imes. 采用了这种新工艺使金属损耗量降到三分之一.
- Low testosterone leels may also result in significant reductions in desire. 较低的睾酮水平也许也会导致明显的性欲的降低。
- The microbial metallogeny of weathering crust REE deposits in South China. 花岗岩风化壳中的微生物及其对稀土元素的浸出作用。
- We need cholesterol to make oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. 从医学角度讲,脂肪、胆固醇可以调节人体内部的激素水平,比如黄体酮、雌激素以及睾丸激素等等。