- Abundant fishes: carp, grass carp, crucian carp, catfish, tilapia, red trout and so on. 鱼种丰富,品种有:鲤鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、罗非鱼、红鳟鱼等。
- Conventional fishing so, fishes the big crucian carp should so. 常规钓鱼如此,钓大鲫更应如此。恕不赘述。
- Abounds carp, silver carp, crucian carp, Wuchang Yu. 盛产鲤鱼、白鲢、鲫鱼、武昌鱼。
- Objective To further understand the duplication and evolution of Sox genes of the fish,the HMG boxes of Sox genes were cloned from genomic DNA of the red crucian carp. 目的为进一步全面理解鱼类Sox基因的复制与进化,从红鲫基因组DNA中克隆Sox基因HMG盒保守区。
- And the red white band should be use to caution. 设红白警示线;
- Crab has been introduced, to build common carp, crucian carp Carassius 247,000 (only), the introduction of dry salted duck, white snail meat Yuanyang 5300, Lotus has started fish polyculture. 已引进河蟹、建鲤、彭泽鲫24.;7万尾(只),引进板鸭、白玉蜗牛、肉鸳鸯5300只,藕鱼混养也已起步。
- The LC50 on fries of red crucian carp and tadpole were 171.13mg/L and 72.77mg/L respectively, the coefficient of ground bait were 5.84 and 13.74. The EC had low toxicity on fish and frog. 对红鲫鱼和泽蛙96h时的LC50分别为171.;13 mg/L和72
- You clothed me in an argyle red white and green vest today. 今天,你还要我穿着红、白、绿相间的花汗衫;
- The gene tic regulation of body color for color and red crucian carp implies that the mul ticolors are controlled by recessive gene while the redness by dominant one. 彩鲫与红鲫的体色遗传说明彩色受显性基因控制,红色受隐性基因控制;
- Thus, so called "allogynogenetic Crucian Carp" was thought as the progeny of gynogenesis. 因而认为异育淇鲫是雌核发育的产物,父本遗传物质对子代无影响。
- There are more than 30 varieties of fish in the lake, such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, catfish, etc. 它水深鱼多,盛产鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、白鲢鱼等30多种鱼类。
- Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain? 你看见在喷泉旁那些含苞怒放的红、白、黄色玫瑰花吗?
- Cook fresh carp, methods more, braised bean curd soup crucian carp and especially tasty. 烹食鲫鱼,方法较多,以红烧鲫鱼与鲫鱼豆腐汤尤其鲜美。
- Angulinao water clarity, non-polluting, natural births carp, crucian carp, silver fish, the public fish, silver carp. 淖水清澈,无污染,产有天然鲤鱼、鲫鱼、银鱼、公鱼、鲢鱼。
- Fish of crucian carp of crucian carp fish, common calls crucian carp melon seeds, crucian carp abductor, crucian carp.. 鲫鱼鲫鱼;俗称鲫瓜子、鲫拐子、鲫...
- Juang-tz was very angry, and he said to the official, "Yesterday I saw a crucian carp in a ditch that had dried up. 庄子很气忿,就对蓝河侯说:“昨天我在路旁的干水沟里看见一条鲫鱼,他说是从东海来的,今天不幸掉在干水沟里,眼看就要干死了,快点儿给扦一桶水救救他。”
- Sunbonnet of motile duck tongue: If you wear sunbonnet of simple tongue of red white duck again that is too moss-grown! 运动型鸭舌太阳帽:假如你再戴简简单单的红白鸭舌太阳帽那就太落伍了!
- To a certain degree, sperm head membrane maybe is the key factor to the androgenesis of the gynogenetic silver crucian carp eggs. 在某种程度上表明:精子膜蛋白可能是雌核发育银鲫卵子进行雄核发育的关键因素。
- Conjunctiva haemorrhage is red white trenchant configuration, identify very easily. 结膜出血红白分明的形态,很容易辨认。
- The Antiviral substance was induced from blastulae embryonic cell line of crucian carp (CAB) by ultra-violet inactivated grass carp reovirus (GCRVuv). 用紫外线灭活的草鱼呼肠孤病毒(GCRV)诱导鲫鱼囊胚细胞(CAB)能产生一种高滴度的抗病毒物质。