- Why is That Red Political Power can Exist in China? 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?
- Why is it that Red political power can exist in China? 中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?
- In difficult or critical times some comrades often have doubts about the survival of Red political power and become pessimistic. 有些同志在困难和危急的时候,往往怀疑这样的红色政权的存在,而发生悲观的情绪。
- Thus opportunities are provided for the rise of Red political power in small areas. 因此,小地方红色政权得以乘时产生出来。
- The organizational form of China's Red political power was similar to that of Soviet political power. 中国红色政权在组织形式上,和苏联的苏维埃政权是相同的。
- Fourth,the existence of a regular Red Army of adequate strength is a necessary condition for the existence of Red political power. 第四,相当力量的正式红军的存在,是红色政权存在的必要条件。
- In areas where all the necessary conditions for its establishment and persistence are not fulfilled, Red political power is in danger of being overthrown by the enemy. 在为建立和坚持红色政权所必须的各种条件尚不完备的地方,便有被敌人推倒的危险。
- Fourth, the existence of a regular Red Army of adequate strength is a necessary condition for the existence of Red political power. 第四,相当力量的正式红军的存在,是红色政权存在的必要条件。
- Whenever the White regime in one or more provinces enjoys temporary stability,the ruling classes there inevitably combine and do their utmost to destroy Red political power. 每当一省或几省之间的白色政权有一个暂时稳定的时候,那一省的统治阶级或几省的统治阶级必然联合起来用尽力量来消灭这个红色政权。
- In areas where all the necessary conditions for its establishment and persistence are not fulfilled,Red political power is in danger of being overthrown by the enemy. 在为建立和坚持红色政权所必须的各种条件尚不完备的地方,便有被敌人推倒的危险。
- Whenever the White regime in one or more provinces enjoys temporary stability, the ruling classes there inevitably combine and do their utmost to destroy Red political power. 每当一省或几省之间的白色政权有一个暂时稳定的时候,那一省的统治阶级或几省的统治阶级必然联合起来用尽力量来消灭这个红色政权。
- If only we realize that splits and wars will never cease within the White regime in China, we shall have no doubts about the emergence, survival and daily growth of Red political power. 我们只须知道中国白色政权的分裂和战争是继续不断的,则红色政权的发生、存在并且日益发展,便是无疑的了。
- If only we realize that splits and wars will never cease within the White regime in China,we shall have no doubts about the emergence,survival and daily growth of Red political power. 我们只须知道中国白色政权的分裂和战争是继续不断的,则红色政权的发生、存在并且日益发展,便是无疑的了。
- Another important condition in addition to the above is required for the prolonged existence and development of Red political power,namely,that the Communist Party organization should be strong and its policy correct. 红色政权的长期的存在并且发展,除了上述条件之外,还须有一个要紧的条件,就是共产党组织的有力量和它的政策的不错误。
- Therefore,we hold,as we have always held,that it is absolutely necessary and correct to build up and expand Red political power in the middle section of the Lohsiao mountain range. 所以我们始终认为罗霄山脉中段政权的创造和扩大,是十分必要和十分正确的。
- Therefore, we hold, as we have always held, that it is absolutely necessary and correct to build up and expand Red political power in the middle section of the Lohsiao mountain range. 所以我们始终认为罗霄山脉中段政权的创造和扩大,是十分必要和十分正确的。
- Political power or influence; clout. 权势政治权力或影响力; 神通,力量,影响
- reasons for the emergence and survival of red political power in China 中国红色政权的发生和存在和原因
- Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. 枪杆子里面出政权。
- Political power or influence;clout. 权势政治权力或影响力;神通,力量,影响