- The Mars Global Surveyor, arrived at the red planet nine years ago. 火星环球探测器九年前到达了火星。
- A spacecraft will search for life on the Red Planet. 一艘宇宙飞船将到红色行星上寻找生命。
- NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, currently in orbit about the Red Planet, is finally providing some final answers. 最近环绕这颗红色行星轨道运行的nasa的全球监测机构最终提供了一些可靠的答案。
- NASA's Mars Global Surveyor,currently in orbit about the Red Planet,is finally providing some final answers. 最近环绕这颗红色行星轨道运行的NASA的全球监测机构最终提供了一些可靠的答案。
- Mars Global Surveyor has operated longer than any spacecraft ever sent to the red planet. 火星环球探测器已经运行了比其它发送到火星上去的任何其它卫星的时间都长。
- Instead of roving to hills or craters, Phoenix will claw down into the icy soil of the Red Planet's northern plains. 代替在小山丘和坑沟的漫游,“凤凰号”将会在红色小行星北部平原冰冷的土地上着地。
- The two Viking Landers carried out the first direct search for life on the Red Planet. 除地球,火星是具有最多各种有趣地形的固态表面行星。
- Deemed similar to craters on Mars, Haughton has become a proving ground for future missions to the red planet. 由于这里的凹地被认为与火星上的环形山地貌相似,霍顿坑已经被公认为未来火星研究的前哨基地。
- MRO arrived at Mars in March and just started science observations of the red planet last month. MRO于今年3月达到火星,但在上个月它才刚刚开始对红色星球进行科学观测。
- I had originally headlined the story “The red planet isn't dead,” but Sagan asked me to change it. 我最初把标题定为“红色星球不曾消亡”,但萨根却让我改掉。
- At 8:52 P.M., or 2:51 P.M. local time at the landing site, Spirit proclaimed its safe arrival on the Red Planet. 晚间8点52分,或登陆点当地时间下午2点51分,精神号正式宣告它安全抵达红色行星。
- Recent data from NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers corroborate previous suspicions that water has at least intermittently flowed on the Red Planet in the past. 我们所居住的太阳系,初期可能曾经有过好几个液态水世界,行星学家对此已了然于心。
- One theory is that Martian water is highly acidic, which could lower its freezing point to a temperature below those found on the red planet. 有一种理论认为火星水是高酸性的,它们的冰点低于火星温度。
- The most extensive reconnoitering mission ever sent to another world is drastically altering our picture of the red planet. 发射到另一世界的、迄今最广泛的侦察飞行,极大地改变了我们对这颗红色行星的想象。
- Mars is called the red planet because it has a definite red-orange color. It is the fourth farthest planet from the sun. MARS(火星)被称作红色星球是因为它确实有一种清楚的桔红色。它是离太阳第四远的行星。
- Cameras strapped on either side of Viking 1's lander helped scientists calculate distances on the surprisingly Earthlike surface of the red planet. 捆在海盗1号另一边的相机帮助科学家来计算此红色行星上的地表距离。
- If all goes well, on January 25 the rover, now snuggled atop the Delta, will bounce in its airbag to a soft landing on the Red Planet. 如果一切顺利,现在紧系于三角洲火箭顶端的巡?者号,在明年1月25日将会利用气囊在红色火星上缓冲降落。
- Cameras strapped on either side of Viking 1’s lander helped scientists calculate distances on the surprisingly Earthlike surface of the red planet. 捆在海盗1号另一边的相机帮助科学家来计算此红色行星上的地表距离。
- Ultraviolet radiation and other hazards would most likely lock life away beneath the surface of the Red Planet, he notes. 他指出,紫外辐射和其他危害很可能将生命封锁在那颗红色行星的表面以下。
- If affirmed, then maybe further voyages to the red planet should be referred to not as "expeditions" but as "trips home". 如果得到证实,那么以后到火星的太空之旅就不应该再称为“探险”,而是“还乡”了。