- Recycle of Wastepaper 废纸回收
- This recycling of funds brought benefits and risks. 这种资金回流的现象既带来得益,亦造成风险。
- He also likes the recyclability of aluminum. 他还喜欢可回收的铝。
- In this paper the recycle of polystyrene foamed plastic waste was studied. 本文对废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的再生利用进行了研究。
- This sort of recycle of waste materials is a way of reducing pollution. 这种废材料的循环使用是减少污染的一个途径。
- Meanwhile,new methods of packing have become popular. As a result,the amount of wastepaper has increased rapidly. 与此同时,新的包装方法已经流行。结果,废纸量急剧增加。
- Meanwhile, new methods of packing have become popular. As a result, the amount of wastepaper has increased rapidly. 与此同时,新的包装方法已经流行。结果,废纸量急剧增加。
- Recycling of rubbish costs money and requires special equipment. 垃圾的重复利用很花钱,又需要专用设备。
- The result of simulation showed that combined measures increased more amount of wastepaper reuse than subsidy or tax measure only. 模拟结果显示,综合政策措施增加国内废纸回收量均较补贴或课税之单一政策措施为多。
- The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the impacts of policy measures of wastepaper recycling, then to choose an appropriate measure in terms of increase in wastepaper reuse. 摘要:本论文旨在分析政策措施对废纸回收之影响,进而选择适当之政策,以促进废纸再利用。
- The deinkability of wastepaper depended not only on printed types,ink compositions and properties, and storage conditions,but also on deinking methods and process conditions. 影响废纸油墨可脱除性的因素很多,既与废纸及印刷油墨的种类及特性、废纸的贮存状况等有关,也与所采用的脱墨方法、工艺流程及工艺条件密切相关。
- "China imports tons of wastepaper each year to be used for paper-making and paperboard products," Zhu Lieke, deputy director of the State Forestry Administration, said. 请局长介绍一下中国木材进出口的情况。不久前,国外有一种说法,说中国大量进口木材,导致世界有些地方的森林面积减少和盗砍盗伐现象,对这个问题您怎样评价?
- The report of separation recycle of the several kinds of menstruums is still unseen in present. 目前尚未见到把这几种溶媒全部分离回收的报道。
- Strippant,screening agentand their concentration are determined.Regeneration and recycle of the resin arestudied. 对解吸剂和掩蔽剂及其浓度的选择做了较详细的探索,并研究了树脂再生和循环使用情况。
- Suitable for recycle of film and thin material ,PE、PP pellicle plastics , knitted bags and fiber . 本机适合破碎回收的PE、PP等薄膜材料;
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Here we will present the technique and development status about the recycle of crude glycerol. 本文以粗甘油综合利用为中心对目前研究进展和产业现状进行了综述。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。