- Really attracted Cang Li Man. 真正地吸引了仓里满
- Cang Li Man looks carefully at the soy sauce. 仓里满仔细看那瓶酱油。
- Cang Li Man bangs on the ground. 仓里满重重地摔到了地上。
- Cang Li Man cries out loud in fear. 仓里满吓得大叫。,呵呵。
- Cang Li Man gestured Tao Zi to leave quickly. 快了,快了!仓里满示意陶子快点离开。
- Cang Li Man moves his head closer to the screen. 仓里满把头往屏幕前凑得更近些。
- Cang Li Man slam down the phone. 仓里满狠狠地摔下电话。
- Water stands at Cang Li Man's feet. 水站在仓里满脚边。
- The dog jumps at Cang Li Man and licks his face. 那头狗扑上去,舔仓里满的脸。如果我爆出答案,好朋友们不要喷饭啊!
- Tao Zi gives another angry look at Cang Li Man. 陶子又瞪了仓里满一眼。
- Tao Zi tenderly feels Cang Li Man's face. 陶子轻柔地摸了摸仓里满的脸。
- As she says this, Tao Zi feels Cang Li Man's face. 说着,陶子摸了摸仓里满的脸。
- She turns her head and bites Cang Li Man. 她转过头去咬了仓里满一口。呵呵,一定是陶子!
- Cang Li Man takes the cockroach out of his pocket. 仓里满从口袋里拿出了那头蟑螂。
- Cang Li Man can do nothing but grins at him. 仓里满也只能咧开嘴对他笑了笑。。。。不好意思!
- Cang Li Man winks at Tao Zi,and Tao Zi winks back. 仓里满朝陶子使了个眼色,陶子也回了个眼色。,(虽然陶子不明就里。)
- Cang Li Man pulls Tao Zi onto the bed. 仓里满把陶子拽上床。......
- Cang Li Man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe. 仓里满把那头蟑螂放回了右边耳垂上。
- Cang Li Man jumps at Tao Zi and throws her on the ground. 仓里满扑向陶子,把她按倒在地。
- Cang Li Man shook his head and left, with his head drooping. 仓里满摇了摇头,耷拉着脑袋离开了。