- CAPM Model Checking in Real Estate Stock Market CAPM模型应用于房地产股票市场的有效性检验
- Shanghai CRED Real Estate Stock Co., Ltd. 上海中房置业股份有限公司。
- Shanghai Yongye Real Estate Stock Co., Ltd. 上海永业房地产股份有限公司。
- Real estate stock market 房地产股票市场
- Jay's great gain in the stock market encouraged him to invest in real estate. 杰伊在股市取得了不错的收益,这促使他在房地产界投资。
- The overheating of economy caused the stock market and real estate market were flooded with bubble. 经济过热导致股票市场及房地产市场泡沫泛滥。
- The excessive speculation on the stock market and real estate market will incur great losses. 股市和房地产的过度投机必将招致重大的损失。
- Hedge funds have also poured in to Asia, in?vesting in real estate companies before?they?join the stock market. 对冲基金也大量涌进亚洲,它们在流向股市之前就已对各家房地产公司进行了投资。
- During the stock market depression, it is advisaBle to purchase real estate, which is inflation-proof and may appreciate. 在股票市场不景气的情况下,购买房产倒是一项增值保值的恒久基业。
- Therefore, to enter the stock market, and follow the road securitization, venture capital and real estate have become internally a way out. 因此,进军股市,走证券化之路,也就成为国内房地产企业资本经营的一条出路。
- Restrictions put on one-time bubble sectors, such as real estate and the stock market, are being reversed at the flick of a switch. 中国政府曾针对房地产和股市等一度呈现泡沫的领域施加过一些限制,现在这些限制正被迅速逆转。
- There appears the economic phenomenon similar to the Taiwan bubble economy, while asset prices in China Mainland stock market and real estate market also begin to rise quickly. 当前大陆经济也出现了与台湾泡沫经济时期极为相似的经济特征,而且股票市场和房地产市场也出现了资产价格飞涨的现象。
- In this case, the market is generally expected life uncomfortable for the real estate business, coupled with a bad trend, real estate stocks were the main agencies disregard. 在此情况下,市场普遍预期房地产企业日子不好过,加上大势不好,房地产个股因此被主力机构弃之不顾。
- On the other hand, China's stock market slump and the bond market led to the stunting domestic arbitrage funds into the real estate market, in addition to no other choice. 另一方面,中国股市的不景气和债市的发育不全导致国内套利资金除了进入房地产市场外别无其他选择。
- U.S. real estate brokers Association reported that April housing stock market indicators rose to 4.2 months vacant, March unamended indicators for 4.0 months. 全美地产经纪商协会的报告称,4月份市场上的住房库存空置指标升至4.;2个月,3月份未经修正的指标为4
- The real estate market rises suddenly, insufficient buying homes, then throws the stock market, next year shrinks to ten thousand, becomes illness despondently. 楼市暴涨,不足购房,遂投股市,翌年缩至万余,抑郁成疾。
- ROBERT J.SHILLER: You know, China has had an enormous boom in their stock market and in their real estate market.And we've seen big reversals, noticeably in the stock market. 你知道,中国在股票市场和房地产市场已经有过一个空前巨大的繁荣,并且在股票市场,我们明显地已经看到了大反转。
- In the 94 real estate stocks, only 6 stocks fell, and 93% of the stock prices are closing. 在94只房地产个股中,只有6只股票小幅下跌,而93%25的个股均以上涨报收。
- On Equilibrium of Real Estate Stock and Flow Market 论房地产存量市场与流量市场均衡
- Insured funds include China Shenhua, is on the development of the reservoir in the shares, Anhui Heli, Sea oil project, Poly, and other real estate stocks. 被保险资金还包括中国神华、上实发展、中储股份、安徽合力、海油工程、保利地产等个股。