- Real Tone and Falsetto 真假声
- My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. 我昔日的风采和荣誉已经消失。
- Evens and enhances skin clarity, tone and texture. 文思和增强皮肤清晰,语调和纹理。
- By all accounts, it was Mrs.Gorbachev's higher-pitched voice, professorial tone and tendency to lecture that got on Mrs.Reagan's nerves. 人人都说令里根夫人极为不快的,乃是戈尔巴乔夫夫人尖锐的噪音,教授讲学的语气,以及教训人的态势。
- I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子?
- Listen for the dial tone and then dial the number you want. 等待拨号声,然后拨你所要的号码。
- Wait till you hear the dialing tone and then dial thenumber. 等一会儿直到你听到拨号音之后拨号码。
- Every step you take in the FitFlop helps tone and trim your legs. “穿着FitFlops每走一步,都会有益于腿部线条的重塑和‘修整’。”
- Thams wells is singing with his special tone and beautiful rhythm. 他没有课,那是不是就离开珠海了呢?那我此后想再联系他该怎么办呢?
- The addition of white pigment lightens the tone and lends opacity. 借助有毛的分叉的触角可以象跳蚤一样跳来跳去。
- In the course of learning, different songs are able to be performed at ease just by mastering mixed chorus, analyzing the feature and advantage of it, and grasping the vocal key of real singing and falsetto. 在学习声乐的过程中,只有掌握混声唱法,认真的分析混声唱法的特点和优越性,领会真假声的发声要领,才能轻松自如的演绎各种不同风格的歌曲。
- With ringing tone and auto display on screen on calls. 被呼叫时发出电话铃声及自动显示访客影像。
- The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case. 这篇文章的基调是不偏不倚,对争论双方的意见都予以表达。
- Method:Testing F O of lowest true voice,comfortable voice,highest true voice and falsetto voice. 方法 :用电子计算机分别测试真声最低音、舒适音、真声最高音、假声最高音的 FO 值。
- Gastric lavage increases vagal tone and may precipitate or worsen arrhythmias. 洗胃可能会增加迷走神经兴奋性,可能会加重心律不整的状况。
- Method:Testing FO of lowest true voice,comfortable voice,highest true voice and falsetto voice. 方法:用电子计算机分别测试真声最低音、舒适音、真声最高音、假声最高音的FO值。
- The lady has real tone. 这位女士气度非凡。
- Her tone and her look still enveloped her in a soft inaccessibility. 她的语调和神态依旧把她禁锢在一种不可接近的状态中。
- Result: In pathological voice,FO of lowest true voice increases,FO of highest falsetto voice reduces,true and falsetto voice range become thin and the change of falseto voice range is more obvious. 结果: 病态嗓音的真声最低音FO值升高,假声最高音FO值下降;真假声音域缩窄,假声音域变化更明显。
- This season's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。