- Real estate laws instruct theoretics for the student in construction management, while it will be interest the final year undergraduate in construction management. 房地法课程是为培养工程管理专业的学生掌握房地产法方面的理论知识,适用于工程管理专业房地产方向本科高年级的教学。
- The existing real estate law on land management provisions have become obsolete, to a certain extent, impede real estate development. 现行的房地产管理法关于土地的规定已经过时,在一定程度上阻碍房地产发展。
- Lawyer Zheng has a good background of law and has a special interest in company law, contract law, real estate law, finance law, tort law and marriage and family law. 具备扎实的法学理论功底,对公司法、合同法、担保法、房地产法、金融法、侵权法、婚姻家庭法等民商事法律有较为深入的研究和理解。
- Indeed, according to the real estate law of development, one of real estate market mature symbols was the domestic semifinished materials room time conclusion. 的确,按照房地产发展规律,房地产市场成熟的标志之一就是内销毛坯房时代的结束。
- The 2005 MBS International Conference was held jointly by Real Estate Law Research Center and Financial Law Research Center, which are both under the Law School of Peking University. 2005年7月,由北京大学法学院房地产法研究中心和金融法研究中心联合主办的“资产证券化国际研讨会”在京隆重召开。
- Real Estate Laws and Regulations 房地产法规
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。
- He invested all his money in real estate. 他把钱全部投资房地产。
- California Real Estate Law by William H.Pivar and Robert J.Bruss, 2000。 房地产案件新问题与判例研究,马原主编,人民法院出版社,1997。
- Real Estate Law in California by Arthur G.Bowman and W.Denny Milligan, 1996。 房地产诉讼,民商事诉讼实务丛书,王景琦编著2002年,法律出版社。
- Lost money in the real estate bubble. 在做房地产投机买卖中亏了本
- Made a bundle selling real estate. 通过卖不动产赚了一大笔钱
- He has all his money tied up in real estate. 他把他所有的钱都投资到房地产上了。
- They are low now and hold real estate. 它们现在价格低,又持有房地产。
- They speculated heavily in real estate. 他们大量投机炒作房地产。
- We devote to serving mainland business real estate. 全方位服务于国内商业地产领域。
- FuShun group is mainly in the real estate industry. 福顺集团是一家以房地产为主业的集团公司。
- It"s a prime hunk of real estate. 这是真实时期主要的一大块。
- He owns considerable real estate. 他拥有相当可观的房地产。