- All the runners got ready to run. 所有的参赛者都准备好了赛跑。
- The ordered test is ready to run. 顺序测试已经就绪,可以开始运行了。
- You are now ready to run your application. 现在,就可以运行应用程序了。
- Ready to run but waiting for a quantum. 可以运行,但正在等待量程。
- It alerts you that the manual test is ready to run. 该对话框提醒您可以运行手动测试了。
- You get ready to run tell Dad," Mrs. Dunbar said. 你准备好跑去告诉你爹,”邓巴太太说。
- "You get ready to run tell Dad," Mrs. Dunbar said. “你准备好跑去告诉你爹,”邓巴太太说。
- ToL, but be ready to run out of Death and Decay. 使用树形态,不过要随时准备在死亡凋零出现时逃出去。
- He was ready to run the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy. 他准备冒被敌人俘虏的危险。
- I am ready to run risks if they are reasonably justifiable. 如果有着冒险的充分理由,我是甘愿冒险的。
- The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time. 任务准备在下次计划的时间运行。
- The Web Test Viewer opens with your Web test ready to run. Web测试查看器将打开,且Web测试已做好运行准备。
- With at least one breakpoint set, you are ready to run the debugger. 设置了至少一个断点后,就可以运行调试器。
- The test is now ready to run; it will return a result of 0 or another number. 现在已准备就绪,可随时运行测试;测试将返回0或其他数字。
- You re now ready to run the process, which calls the CICS Web service. 现在您就已经准备好运行调用CICS Web服务的流程了。
- Nearly ready to run about, Nell!' he replied, putting on a cheerful smile. “快能跑了,雷儿!”他回答道,强挤出笑容。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- Hard training will fit them to run long distances. 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。
- I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works. 要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。