- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- The first scene of the play is the king's palace. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。
- Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一周的第一天。
- The default position of a data reader is before the first record. 数据读取器的默认位置在第一条记录前面。
- The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake. 叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。
- As he is the first transgressor, he sees no hopes of pardon. 由於他是第一个犯法者,他看不到被豁免的希望。
- Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon. 尼尔。阿姆斯壮是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。
- He is the first peasant in this mountain village to go to university. 在这个山村中,他是第一个上大学的农民。
- It is the first time when we work together. 那是我们第一次共事的日子。
- The first term is the screened Coulomb repulsion. 第一项是屏蔽的库仑排斥项。
- Spring is the first season in a year. 春天是一年里第一个季节。
- The first thing on the agenda is the drop in sales. 在议程上第一件事就是销售额下降了。
- I am the first to arrive, and she is the second. 我是第一个到的,她是第二个。
- The king is the first toast drink by the officer. 国王是军官们第一个敬酒祝贺的人。
- Here is the first interview broadcast. 这是第一次的采访广播。
- He is the first to break the ice of the enterprise. 他是第一个从事这一冒险事业的人。
- Who is the first to breast the tape? 谁第一个到终点的?
- It is the first time I have come to America. 这是我第一次到美国来。
- It is the first antiseptic to be used in surgery. 它是用在外科手术上的第一个防腐剂。
- E is the first letter of my name. E是我的名字的第一个字母。