- Rare as the phoenix. 凤毛麟角世上
- Yi Lianhong this kind of point of view description is rather works as the foxnut, does not work as the phoenix tail, for fear that Fei Shui flows in the bystander field. 易炼红将这种心态描述为“宁当鸡头,不当凤尾,生怕肥水流入外人田。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder. 奇观,奇迹奇特的或罕见的引起人们惊叹的事件或行为
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- The turtle doesn't run so quickly as the hare. 乌龟没有兔子跑得那么快。
- Diagnosis by physical exam is rare as the skin manifestations are highly variable and may resemble other disorders of the scalp and cranium. 因为皮肤病变表现多样,可以类似其它的头皮或者颅骨病变的表现,所以通过体格检查进行诊断很困难。
- Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。
- A woman of charm is as rare as a man of genius. 郎才女貌世间稀。
- We walked as far as the railroad station. 我们走到火车站那样远的地方。
- Every one bowed as the Queen walked into the room. 女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。
- As the day was wet we stopped in and played bridge. 由于下雨,我们没出去,在家打桥牌。
- It's known as the most dangerous part of the city. 那地方都知道是市内最危险的地段。
- She stood out as the best in the class. 她是班级里最出色的学生。
- The sky turned dark as the storm came near. 暴风雨来临时,天空转暗。
- The crowd cheered loudly as the Queen appeared. 女王出现时群众高声欢呼。
- He was appointed to act as the executor. 他被指定为遗嘱执行人。
- Because a man like that is as rare as adiamond in the rough. 因为这种男人沧海一粟,万中无一。
- My garden extends as far as the river. 我的花园一直伸展到河边。