- Rainstorm Cloud Cluster 暴雨云团
- Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster. 我们乘坐的飞机颠簸着穿过了那块云团。
- Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster. 我们乘坐的飞机颠簸着穿过了那块云团。
- The results show that the event is directly affected by the formation and evolution of southwest vortex and MCC cloud cluster which locate in the intersection region of the upper-level jet and the low-level jet. 结果表明:高、低空急流耦合区中西南低涡及MCC特徵云团的形成和维持是造成此次特大暴雨的直接影响系统。
- Study shows that the process is caused by cold vortex in the east of Mongolia and subtropical high,and meso-scale convective cloud cluster is the direct reason of the local severe heavy rainfall. 发现本次过程是由蒙古东部的低涡与副热带高压共同作用发生的,而局地大暴雨的直接原因是中尺度对流云团所造成的。
- There are decorative patterns of cloud clusters all around the vase. 花瓶四周都是云头花纹。
- meso -α- scale convective cloud cluster 中-α尺度对流云团
- the heavy rainfall cloud cluster 暴雨云团
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Low-level jet and monsoon cloud swell are the most important factors for thedevelopment of cloud clusters. 低空急流和季风云涌是云团发展的最重要因子。
- IR Image Characteristics of Raining Cloud Clusters and Relationship with Hourly Rainfall in Zhejiang Province Teng Weiping respectively. 降水云团云图特征地面降水强度。
- 2) the rainstorm area gives rise to the favorable distribution of MPV barotropic and baroclinic terms in vertical answerable for the generation and development of the cloud cluster; 暴雨区形成有利于中尺度强对流云团生成发展的湿位涡正压项、斜压项垂直结构配置;
- After the rainstorm, there were pools on the roads. 暴雨过後路上有许多水洼儿。
- The residual effects of the cloud clusters are generally ignored even though the area they cover is perhaps an order of magnitude larger than the convective region itself. 云团的残余影响通常是忽略不计的,即使它们覆盖的地区比对流区本身可能大一个量级也如此。
- A fall of such water; a rainstorm. 骤雨这种水的下降; 暴雨
- A cloud is a condensation of water vapour. 云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。
- There are several kinds of cloud formations. 云层的构成方式有好几种。
- The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
- The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳消失在一片云后面。
- A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation. 星群,星座比星座小的一簇星星