- Responsible for development and reform, urban planning, municipal affairs, construction, and integrated law enforcement, amenity garden, contact Railway Department. 负责发展改革、城市规划、市政、建设、综合执法、市容园林等方面的工作。联系铁路部门。
- Scalping, high price train tickets, has always been a tough problem to face, which does harm not only to the passengers but to the railway department as well. 今年,铁道部门连手警方采取有效措施打击票贩子,规范售票,让旅客平安愉快回家。
- We discovered that the railway’s switch had been realized electrization after investigation on the spot, the railway department didn’t have a pressure monitoring system. 通过对郑州铁路局新乡机务段的实地考察,发现铁路系统的扳道工作虽然基本上已经实现电气化,但是没有对扳道系统液压装置的压力监控装置,如果扳道装置的液压系统发生故障而没有及时发现,就会导致扳道时的压力太大或太小,结果是不能使铁轨扳到正确的位置上,导致扳道失败,后果将不堪设想。
- Our products are exclusively appointed to be ceramics for state banquet, state gift, Chinese embassies and consulates oversea, the Railway Department as well as the State Council. 产品被选定为“国宴瓷”、“国礼瓷"、中国驻外使、领馆专用“国徽瓷”、“铁道部专列用瓷”、"中南海紫光阁专用瓷”。
- If a railway locomotive is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the first paragraph, the competent railway department shall impose administrative penalty on the person who is responsible for the act. 铁路机车有第一款违法行为的,由铁路主管部门对有关责任人员给予行政处分。
- If a railway locomotive is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the first paragraph,the competent railway department shall impose administrative penalty on the person who is responsible for the act. 铁路机车有第一款违法行为的,由铁路主管部门对有关责任人员给予行政处分。
- In foretime, the adscription of area before railway stations is somewhat vague, as it locates on the joints of railway department and the local government, it makes this area a vague one in administration. 过去,车站站前的归属比较模糊,处于铁路与地方政府管理范围的交界区域,从而造成了管理上的模糊地带。
- The central and regional railway departments cannot perform their task well without support from them. 铁道部门的工作没有各地的支持是做不好的。
- Factionalists in the railway departments have ties with those in the localities. We must cut these ties. 铁路系统里闹派性的人同地方上闹派性的人是有联系的,反对派性,要把他们之间的联系切断。
- This problem concerns not only the railway departments,but the localities and other departments as well. 这个问题不光是铁道部门存在,其他地方和部门也同样存在。
- Railway departments of the additional Linke, as far as possible to ensure that the needs of passengers. 铁路部门加开了临客,尽量保证旅客需要。
- This problem concerns not only the railway departments, but the localities and other departments as well. 这个问题不光是铁道部门存在,其他地方和部门也同样存在。
- The railway departments have done an even more remarkable job in this respect,and the experience gained in Xuzhou is quite typical. 铁道部门在这方面做得就更突出了。徐州的经验比较典型。
- The railway departments and other relevant departments shall act in accordance with such plans and take effective measures to mitigate environmental noise pollution. 铁路部门和其他有关部门应当按照规划的要求,采取有效措施,减轻环境噪声污染。
- The railway departments have done an even more remarkable job in this respect, and the experience gained in Xuzhou is quite typical. 铁道部门在这方面做得就更突出了。徐州的经验比较典型。
- Railway departments use dynamical and static detection methods to detect the track condition so as to ensure trains run on it safely. 摘要为了保证列车在轨道上安全运行,铁路部门采用动态检测和静态检测两种方式对铁路轨道进行检查。
- His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. 他的诊所在新建的火车站附近。
- I got this cheap at a department store sale. 我在百货公司特价廉售时买到了这件便宜货。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷静,打电话给消防署。