- What are the basic measures in radiation protection? 辐射防护有什么基本措施?
- Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments II. 辐射防护监测仪器校准2。
- Radiation protection , remove the odor and the elimination room. 防辐射、消除异味、排除室内细菌。
- Radiation protection standards for X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis equipment. 射线衍射仪和荧光分析仪放射卫生防护标准.
- Fan L G. Database on Radiation Protection of Qinshan NPP. WANO Good Practice, 2004. 张勇.;核电站氧化运行及效果分析
- Fully satisfy custom-specified requirements in radiation protection, waterproof, static electricity proof and so on. 满足防辐射、防水、防静电等特殊要求。
- The linear non-threshold(LNT) theory is part of the current basis for risk-based radiation protection. 线性无阈(LNT)理论是基于危险估计的辐射防护基础的一部分。
- ICRP Publication 75.General principles for the radiation protection ofworkers.Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1997.53-55. 职业性外照射个人监测规范.;职业性外照射个人监测规范
- The linear non-threshold (LNT) theory is part of the current basis for risk-based radiation protection. 摘要线性无阈(LNT)理论是基于危险估计的辐射防护基础的一部分。
- Today two bagmen came into my company to sale their computer radiation protection screen. 公司今天来了两推销员,推销电脑防辐射保护屏的。
- This paper mainly makes feasible suggestions and methods of the quality gaurantee in staffing,equipments,radiophysics,radiate protect in radiotherapy. 本文主要提出放射治疗在人员配备、设备、放射物理、辐射防护几方面质量保证的建议和方法。
- The workers on radiation protection have been confronted with a new task-countering terrorism. 反对恐怖主义已成为辐射防护工作者面临的一项新任务。
- No one knows how the radiation protects against Alzheimer's, but the team has some ideas. 还无人知晓辐射如何对抗老年痴呆症,但是实验组有了一些想法。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- Meet radiation protection, waterproof, anti-static, and other special requirements. 满足防辐射、防水、防静电等特殊要求。
- As the radiation instrument provider, it can provide the imported radiation measurement and radiation protection instruments for you. 作为仪器仪表供应商,为您提供进口的辐射测量和辐射防护用仪器仪表。
- The radiation protective effect of sinapine, which is widely distributedin Cruciferae, on wheat and barley was reported by my foregoing article. 前一工作报道存在于十字花科植物中的芥子碱对小麦和元麦有辐射保护作用。
- High strength,good characterization, corrosive ability, a better shield, steering,radiation protection, Superior performance. 强度高,定性好,抗腐力强,有较好的屏蔽,防磁,防辐射能力,性能优越。
- How can we protect our computer files? 我们怎样才能保护我们的计算机数据?
- Currently,the ICRP(International Commission on Radiological Protection) radiation protection philosophy is based on the LNT theory. 目前,ICRP的辐射防护哲学是建立在线性无阈的理论之上。