- It introduces the application of earth- detective radar technique in constru. 介绍探地雷达技术在复杂地基施工中的应用。
- Until radar technique was used in astronomy, Man's knowledge of Venus was still very superficial. 直到雷达技术应用于天文学以前,人类对金星的了解还极为肤浅。
- This radar technique helps engineers look for cables and pipes that are just a few metres underground but, for security forces looking for tunnels that can be much deeper, it is ineffective. 这种雷达技术可以帮助工程师们寻找地下的电缆和管道,它们通常只有几米深,但是安全保卫部队来寻找这些隧道可能会认为更深一些,效率是不高的。
- Ludger Leushake is the head of radar techniques for Space Reconnaissance in Germany. 勒爵勒??,是德国航天侦察雷达技术的总理。
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇。
- The radar scanned the sky for enemy planes. 雷达密切监视天空,搜索敌机。
- Application of Earth- detective Radar Technique in Land Reclamation Project 探地雷达技术在填海造陆基础工程中的应用
- The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar. 瞭望塔通过雷达追踪这架飞机的行踪。
- Enemy ships were detected on the radar screen. 敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上。
- The technique is still at the experimental stage. 这项技术正处于实验阶段。
- The signal was picked up by a downrange radar station. 该信号被试验飞行方向之内的雷达站收到了。
- A gunboat was detected by the radar. 雷达探测出一炮艇。
- Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar. 敌机被我方雷达发现。
- The ship was provided with radar equipment. 那船装有雷达设备。
- There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen. 雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。
- Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes. 我们的雷达确定了来袭敌机的精确方位。
- This technique is still in wide use. 这一技术仍被广泛使用。
- Radar is used to detect objects in the air or at sea. 雷达被用来探测空中或海上的目标。
- A reflected wave received by a radio or radar. 反射波收音机或雷达接收到的反射波