- The rabbits are bred for their long coats. 饲养兔子是为了获取他们的长毛。
- Lions are carnivores; rabbits are not. 狮子是食肉动物,兔子不是。
- Eels are long and difficult to catch. 鳝鱼很长而且很难抓住。
- As prey animals, rabbits are notorious for hiding health problems. 作为被捕食的动物,兔子掩盖健康问题是出了名的。
- There are long indented coastlines in the South Sea. 在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。
- Don't whittle the stick down too much or it won't be long enough. 别把那棍削得太多,不然就不够长了。
- This was blamed on the rabbits, for it is well known that carrot-nibblers with long ear cause floods. 责任怪罪到兔子头上,因为众所周知,长耳朵并小口小口吃胡萝卜的动物会引起洪水。
- Hello, Mary, when's the happy event? It can't be long now. 喂,玛丽,何时有喜事?快了吧。
- The white rabbits are in a pet shop. 这只白色的兔子在宠物商店里。
- The rabbit is characterized by its long ears. 免子的特点是耳朵长。
- Seven rabbits are running on the sofa. 七只兔子在沙发上跑步。
- It won't be long before we can be rid of the pest altogether. 不要太久,我们就能把这种害虫消除干净。
- The rabbits are gnawing at the fence. 兔子在啮咬篱笆。
- It might be long before civil government would be re-established. 重建文官政府也许要等很长时间。
- The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。
- His words were long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- The two tribes were long at feud with each other. 这两个部族长期不和。
- Domesticating rabbits are the basis of a profitbale fur industry. 驯养野兔是赚钱的毛皮工业的基础。
- The leaves were long and prickly. 叶子长而多刺。
- Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低时,物体的影子就很长。