- And domestic R&D investment is more important than foreign country's to TFP. 但我国国内的研发投入比外国研发投入对TFP的影响要更为突出。
- I work with R%26D, stay in kab akk day. 我是做研究工作的,每天呆在实验室里,很少活动。
- A wo r d spoken i s past r ecal l i ng. 一言既出,驷马难追。
- Erickson R W, Cuk S and Middlebrook R D. 丘水生;陈艳峰;伍言真.
- Customer-centered Design Services (CCDS) is an integral part of HP's R&D investment. 客户为中心的设计服务(CCDS)是HP研发的重要投入部分。
- Chen, Y.-M. (2002) Venture capital, R&D investment with production in U.S. knowledge-based industries. 2002年电子商务经营管理研讨会,民国九十一年十二月十三日,台中。
- Real options of interproject compoundness discriminate public R&D investment from private one. 公共R&D投资衍生的项目间复合期权是其区别于私人R&D投资的重要特征。
- W, i g t t u t m t h o p. A a, w c y r d w b o d e t m m m? 他们用钱来帮助别人是件好事啊.;毕竟,这数亿美元除了钱生钱,还能干嘛呢?
- M 1: I s w a M t d . E s h m i h o a , H b l w H r d l w a a . 妈妈1:我现在非常担心我的儿子马克,自从他搬进自己的公寓,他的体重一直在下降,他看起来真的不太健康。
- It shows that competition makes firms advance investment,which may undermine the waiting option value of R &D investment. 研究表明,竞争促使企业提前进行R &D投资,从而消减了企业R &D投资等待期权的价值。
- M i c r o s o f t W o r d - r e c o r d - 4 - 2 6 - 9 3 0 4 ... 九十三年四月一日参加教育部技专校院授与副学士学位配套措施会议,各校须配合事项如.下:.壹、学位授与法部分条文修订草案.一、自中华民国九十三年一月十六日总统府...
- A1:If wear it indiea,noone will know u r d superman... 回答一:穿在里面了,谁知道你是超人?
- When analyzing R &D investment decision, R &D investment chance can been taken as American option of current investment opportunity. 在分析R &D投资决策时;把R &D投资机会理解为当前投资机会的美式买入期权.
- The location of R &D investment by MNC is one of the hot spots in International Investment Study and Corporation Geography. 跨国公司R &D投资区位研究是国际投资学和公司地理学的热点领域之一。
- With the globalization of the economy and the advent of knowledge economy, the R & D investment presents a trend of internationalization. 随着经济的全球化和知识经济的到来,跨国公司的R &D投资也呈现国际化趋势。
- Each firm decides its R&D investment first, then competes in the product market.There are two cases at the R&D stage : cooperation and noncooperation. 每个企业在R&D阶段选择合作或不合作,然后在产品市场上进行竞争。
- S ince the year 2000, the average growth of China R&D investment surpassed 20%, and reached 366.4 billion RMB in 2007, and the R&D/GDP reached 1.49%. 投入是度量国家研究与开发强度的重要指标。2000年以来中国的研发投入每年增长超过20%25,到2007年已经达到3664亿元人民币,同时研发投入已经占到GDP的1.;49%25。
- In recent years, transnational corporations all have speeded up the R&D investment to China according to the need of their global strategy. 近年来,跨国公司根据其全球战略的需要,纷纷加大在中国的研发投资力度。
- Malone R D, Mroz T H. Geologic Analysis of Gas Hydrate Deposite. SPE 15224. 石油工业天然气科技情报协作组.;国外非常规天然气调研(内部)
- This paper develops a theoretical model to analyze how human capital accumulation and R &D investment provide incentives for each other and how they affect economic growth. 摘要在内生增长理论中,卢卡斯认为人力资本积累是经济增长的原动力,罗默则认为技术进步是经济增长的源泉。