- Quips and cranks. 妙语和警句
- The propeller will windmill and crank the engine. 螺旋浆将旋转并转动引擎的曲柄。
- But by the end, I did want to hear more than little quips and amusing anecdotes. 但是结束之前,我的确想听些奇谈妙语和搞笑的轶事。
- If, this, indeed, is the pattern of history, we are tempted to paraphrase Shaw's deadly serious quip and say. 如果这确实是历史发展的一种模式,那么我们禁不住要对肖伯纳的警言妙语进行诠释。
- British reader Stuart Langton reads Churchill's quips and Hayward's narrative with clarity and precision.Both are delivered in a steady rhythm and even, thoughtful pacing. 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。
- Water was also used in association with driving-belt, chain drives and cranks, all Chinese inventions, in early textile and winnowing machinery. 前一句是中国人发明了利用水轮动力来推动机械钟,然后是。
- By focusing on staying narrow, you'll reduce your surface area, and crank faster with less effort. 集中注意力保持夹紧状态,你会减小表面积,从而以更少的力气游得更快。
- A new idea is delicate.It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn;it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow. 一个新的想法是非常脆弱的,他可能被一声耻笑或一个呵欠扼杀,可能被一句嘲讽刺中身亡,或者因某位权威人士皱一下眉便郁郁而终。
- The beam and crank pin bearing adopt tip bearing structure to decrease the shaking due to the install difference and operation of pumping unit. 横梁轴承及曲柄销轴承采用调心轴承结构,以降低安装造成的误差和抽油机运转时的振动。
- A、Appling four-post type and crank synchronous balanceorganizations,whichguarantees the nachine to receive strength evenly in the blanking area. 采用四柱式和曲柄同步平衡机构,保证机床冲裁区域受力均匀。
- A、Appling four-post type and crank synchronous balance organizations.which guarantees the machine to receive strength evenly in the blanking area. 采用四柱式和曲柄同步平衡机构,保证机床冲裁区域受力均匀。
- More than anything they delighted in riddles, and these pleased the countrymen, whose minds were stored with old quips and jests, for this happened in days when there were few books, and riddle-telling was the winter' s pastime. 他们最喜欢的事是猜谜语。 乡下人都爱猜谜语,因为在那个年代里不太有书本可读,所以在冬天就以讲谜语来消磨时光。 四兄弟脑袋里装满了俏皮话和笑话。
- Set the spaetzle maker over the pot.Scoop the batter in and crank the handle to have the button-shaped spaetzle fall into the boiling water. 将压面机搁锅上,勺入面糊转动机子的手柄让小面块落入沸水中翻煮。
- There were times when he came off really bad, but overall, you got the gamut of Shaq quips and one-liners... from the "I'm a big goofy kid" quotes to the intimidating serious smack-talking. 接下来也有姚明表现非常差的那种片段,但总体上,你看到了鲨克的妙语连珠,然后便是诸如“我是一个傻大个”之类的言论。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Methods EMG data of seven muscles and crank angles were synchronically collected from ten track cyclists at 500w cross four pedaling cadences (100, 120, 130, and 140rpm). 研究对象与方法10名场地自行车运动员在500w负荷下分别以100rpm、120rpm、130rpm、140rpm四组频率骑行,同步采集下肢7块肌肉肌电信号和曲柄角度。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我设法给你弄点吃的。