- HASP SRM gives you the ability to quickly respond to changing market needs. HASP SRM提供给您快速响应市场需求改变的能力。
- The illness quickly responded to treatment. 病情经过治疗后很快就有好转。
- Quickly respond to the troubleshooting and to recover the function in time with Instrument engineer. 同高级仪表工程师一起对故障作快速反应及时修复。
- He quickly responded to the question. 他很快就回答了问题。
- They quickly responded to the appeal. 他们迅速响应了这个呼吁。
- The illness quickly responded to treatment . 病经过治疗后很快就有起色。
- The man quickly responds, "the attorney's". 病人很快回答:”律师的那个。”
- The vero cell culture gives the company the flexibility to quickly respond to emerging variant pandemic virus strains, Baxter said in a news release. 在非洲绿猴肾细胞培养赋予公司灵活性,以迅速应对新出现的变异病毒大流行株,巴克斯特在新闻发布会上说。
- Have a good sense of teamwork and teamwork ability, with a strong ability to innovate, some thorny issues can quickly respond and take effective measures. 有很好的团队合作意识及团队合作能力,拥有较强的创新能力,对一些棘手问题能快速做出反应并拿出行之有效的应对措施。
- Rather, the criterion has to be shifted to “engineer satisfaction,” so that the path forward is to release the process and then quickly respond to flaws discovered in use. 这样的话,所谓的标准就得改成“工程师满意度”了,因此前面的路应该是发布这个过程并且一经在使用中发现缺陷立即响应!
- Should someone vaccinated this way be exposed to polio, the T cells would quickly respond, destroying any host cells infected by viruses that eluded the antibodies. 接种者再受到小儿麻痹病毒感染时,T淋巴细胞很快就会反应,把逃过抗体攻击的病毒所感染的宿主细胞摧毁。
- It has become an important way to win in thecompetition that the state-owned enterprises utilize theadvanced management methods, fully use the resources, cut thecost and improve the ability to quick respond to the market. 用科学的管理方法合理利用企业资源,努力降低产品成本,提高企业对市场的快速反应能力,成为制造业在竞争中取胜的重要手段。
- ZARA's quick responding system reflects coordinated cooperation by production and marketing. 西班牙的品牌ZARA体现在生产与营销的体系中各部门间相互协调合作。
- The three men smiled and quickly responded in unison, We have to go to the toilet. 三个人笑了笑,然后很快的齐声答道:我们必须去厕所。
- PUSH updates however are initialized by our servers; they result in your computer quickly responding and performing the necessary update. 但是PUSH更新是由我们的服务器开始的;通过您的计算机快速反应并执行所需更新。
- PUSH updates, however, are initialized by our server; they result in your computer quickly responding and performing the necessary update. 但是PUSH更新是从我们的服务器发出的;你的计算器作出快速回应并执行必要的更新。
- Chang and his staff quickly responded and wrote a rebuttal letter to the China Advisory Commission of the American Lutheran Church. 张一正院长和员工们迅速地回应,写了一封抗辩信给美国信义会教会的中华顾问委员会。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。