- Quelea cardinalisn. 绯红奎利亚雀(文鸟科)
- North American finch(Cardinalis cardinalis)having a crested head,a short,thick bill,and bright red plumage in the male. 主红雀一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红
- An African weaverbird of the genus Quelea, especially Q. quelea, a small red-billed bird that is extremely destructive to grain crops. 红嘴奎利亚雀:一种奎利亚雀属非洲织布鸟,尤指红嘴奎利亚雀,为一种红喙小型鸟类,对粮食作物极其有害
- Introduction of natural enemies such as Rodolia cardinalis Muls.,Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls. 引进澳洲瓢虫、孟氏隐唇瓢虫、松突圆蚧花角蚜小蜂均是我国生物防治成功的例证;
- There can be no doubt, then, that YUP played a major role in the evolution of bird pollination in M. cardinalis. 无疑的,YUP在红龙头的鸟媒传粉演化中扮演了关键角色。
- A North American finch(Cardinalis cardinalis)having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. 主红雀一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红
- A North American finch(Cardinalis cardinalis) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. 主红雀一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红
- Though closely related, Mimulus lewisii is pollinated primarily by bumblebees, whereas M. cardinalis is pollinated primarily by hummingbirds. 这两种龙头花亲缘相近,但彩豔龙头主要是由大黄蜂授粉,而红龙头主要是由蜂鸟授粉。
- A perennial lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) native to central and eastern North America, having an elongate cluster of showy, brilliant red flowers. 红花半边莲:一种北美洲中部和东部的多年生半边莲(红花半边莲半边莲属),有艳丽耀眼的红色细长花簇
- North American finch (Cardinalis cardinalis) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. 主红雀:一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红
- Lobelia cardinalis chlorsis virus 山梗菜退绿病毒
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lobelia cardinalis 罗贝力的组织培养和快速繁殖
- a North American finch(Cardinalis cardinalis) having a crested head,a short,thick bill,and bright red plumage in the male 一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红
- Red-billed Quelean. 红嘴奎利亚雀
- Red-headed Quelean. 红头奎利亚雀
- Cardinali DP,Ladizesky MG,Boggio V,et al.Melatonin effects on bone: experimental facts and clinical perspectives.J Pineal Res 2003;34(2):81- 7 杜宁;陈伟珍;许勇;等.;槐甙胶囊防治绝经后骨质疏松症的疗效观察[J]
- quelean. [鸟]红嘴奎利亚雀
- 9. A North American finch(Cardinalis cardinalis) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. 主红雀一种北美鸣鸟(主红雀主红雀属),头部有羽冠,喙短而厚,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红收藏指正
- Cardinal Quelean. 绯红奎利亚雀(文鸟科)
- birds bright red bird: a crested finch, the male of which has bright red plumage with a black face. Native to: North America. Latin name Cardinalis cardinalis. 北美原生,雌雄略有色泽不同,红色顶冠的雀类,雄鸟是鲜红的全身羽毛和黑色的面孔。