- Qiu Chuoji 丘处机
- Zhang Qiu Zhen Yu Forging Co., Ltd. 章丘振宇锻造有限公司宁波三鑫机电制造有限公司。
- Ren Qiu Gao Yi Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. 任丘市高益焊接设备有限公司。
- Xiao Ming studies as hard as Qiu Ting. 小明和邱婷学得一样刻苦。
- Qiu Baochang: Now is large area really divulge. 邱宝昌:现在确实是大面积泄露。
- "Clearly, QIU Shi-kai is the speakers chiling. 显然,邱士楷是林志玲的扩音器。
- Qiu Xinghua's reply was just as surprising. 邱兴华的回答同样超出人们的意料。
- Shashibiya ping jie wen ji / Qiu Ke'an zhu. 莎士比亚评介文集 / 裘克安著.
- In such occasions, Qiu as Taketo the honorific. 在此种场合下,太尉是作为武人的尊称。
- Vincent Qiu joined Jade Co. As a senior quality engineer. 他目前在捷得公司任资深质量工程师。
- A statue of Qiu changchun, founder of the Longmen sect of Daoism. 邱长春真人道行便装像。
- A drawing depicting Master Qiu Changchun accepting an engagement. 长春真雪山应聘图。
- Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin. 吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。
- HAOSHA(Jin Qiu) fitness center, Star on September 18,2004. 2浩沙(锦秋)健身会所,2004年9月18日开业。
- Gong Li played the role of Qiu Ju in this film successfully. 他被邀请在这个电视剧里扮演一个角色。
- But, qiu Baijun has another time however to him He WPS unscramble. 可是,求伯君对自己和WPS却有另一番解读。
- A Qiu is returned " kindly " the ground let her eat a patulin. 阿秋还“好心”地让她吃了一粒感冒药。
- Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics. 邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。
- Afterwards, the police quickly identified Qiu Xinghua as a suspect. 案发后,警方迅速锁定了重大嫌疑人邱兴华。