- QC of Key Roughing Operation 关键粗加工工序的质量控制
- The organ has two banks of keys. 那架风琴有两排键盘。
- There are tens of key universities in China. 中国有几十所重点大学
- Paper on the risks of key recovery, escrow, etc. 有关密钥恢复、契约等风险的文章。
- He produced from his pocket a bunch of keys. 他从口袋里掏出一串钥匙。
- GPG fingerprint of key signing the channel. 12用来对频道签名密钥GPG指纹。
- Dr deppak: double way means , what type of key? 博士:意味双重道路,什么类型的钥匙?
- Then it injects the meaning of key points. 其次引入标志点概念,它对区域定位有指导意义;
- QC of production batches and shipment at suppliers site. 在供应商处,生产批次以及出货的品质控制;
- Supported by Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key Lab in University. 有作者介绍必须同时说明作者为浙江大学流体传动及控制国家重点实验室访问学者。
- The show has been hit by the departure of key personnel. 这出剧目的演出由于主要演员的离开而受到很大影响。
- The bunch of keys came down with a clash. 这串钥匙当的一声掉在地上。
- Key to progress on the influence the direction of key control. 上键为前进,左右键控制方向。
- Development and industrialization of key information technologies ? 关键信息技术研发及其产业化。
- Stowage is one of key courses in the operation of cargo transportation at sea. 积载工作是船舶运输生产中十分重要的一个环节。
- Yes, I have a bunch of keys and some coins. 好的,我有一串钥匙和一些硬币。
- Development and industrialization of key information technologies? 关键信息技术研发及其产业化。
- In order to deal with the medical accident due to medical equipme nts,the significance of QA and QC of medical equipments was discussed from medical onus probandi inversion. 本文介绍了新形势下的医疗设备质量保证与质量控制对因医疗设备引起的医疗事故处理中“反取证”工作的重要性。
- The situation would hinge on a number of key factors. 情况可能取决于一系列关键因素。
- I have a bunch of keys in my pocket. 我衣袋里有一串钥匙。