- Pyrrhulina benin. 贝氏霞脂鲤(窄口鱼科)
- Corea del Sud ad alta cucina cinese beni agenti. 韩国喜厨家居用品中国代理商。
- Ho a lungo termine di beni accessori per notebook. 我公司长期有笔记本配件来货。
- Beni imo,(molto bene, bene)grazie,e lei? 非常好,(很好,好的)谢谢,你呢?
- Ey rabbim beni ve kardeslerimi emanet et amin!!! Rabbim 就是伟大的 Allah,不是什么RAB 天神!!!
- Xie XL,Beni G. A validity method for fuzzy clustering.IEEE PAMI,1991. 范九伦;裴继红;谢维信.;聚类有效性函数:熵公式
- Tu coroni de’ tuoi beni l’annata, e dove passa il tuo carro stilla il grasso. 你以恩典为年岁的冠冕,你的路径都滴下脂油,
- Each of them hides much laughter and joy in the past.I think i have had many beni ficial friends and helpers. 也许是我第一次与美国人上课吧,感觉总是有点怪怪的,甚至有点害怕,我想我要深入地暸解他们的生活习惯。
- The first group of 182 children was separated this month from a Mayi Mayi brigade in the North Kivu town of Beni. 爱恩赛德告诉CNN的记者说,本月,百尼北部一个镇的一蚂蚁军团首次释放182名儿童。
- Se abbiam seminato per voi i beni spirituali, e egli gran che se mietiamo i vostri beni materiali? 我们既然在你们中间撒了属灵的种子,如果要从你们那里收获一些物质的供应,这算是过分吗?
- Santa Cruz and Beni are the worst affected areas, were hit by the floods, affecting 70,000 people. 圣塔库鲁兹省和贝尼省受创最严重,一共七万灾民生活受到影响。
- Ooop! I meant to post this Oshio beni photo. Well! The previous photo also shows another feature of the tree, i.e., the bright green barks. 这张照片和上张次序颠倒.;上张照片可看出此树的另一特色;就是绿色的树皮
- Dozens of families have been evacuated from hills around the El Beni region's capital city of Trinidad, where they have taken refuge. 曾在ElBeni地区首府Trinidad周围小山避难的一些家庭已经从山上撤离。
- Assistant Beni - Ravel White is a mentor in San Antonio, she is responsible for monitoring the Manchester United club Ravel studies. 助教贝尼-怀特是拉威尔在圣安东尼的导师,她负责为曼联俱乐部监察拉威尔的学业。
- Damasco commercia teco, scambiando i tuoi numerosi prodotti con abbondanza d’ogni sorta di beni, con vino di Helbon e con lana candida. 犹大和以色列地都与你通商;他们用米匿的麦子、饼、蜜、油和乳香来换取你的商品。
- It is i ndicated that prostate Kangfu capsule has preventive and treating effect on beni gn prostate haperplasia caused by testosterone propionate. 提示前列腺康复胶囊对丙酸睾丸素所致前列腺增生具预防和治疗作用。
- Vendete i vostri beni, e fatene elemosina;fatevi delle borse che non invecchiano, un tesoro che non venga meno ne’ cieli, ove ladro non s’accosta e tignuola non guasta. 当变卖你们所有的施舍给人,为自己制造不朽坏的钱囊,积蓄用不尽的财宝在天上,就是贼不能近、虫不能蛀的地方。
- A second opposition front is comprised of four eastern departments (Tarija, Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando) that have solidly opposed the radical socialist agenda of Mr Morales and the ruling MAS party. 这个次大的反对阵线UN包括四个东部省份(Tarija,SantaCruz,Beni和Pando),他们坚决反对EvoMorales和执政党MAS偏激的社会主义议程。
- We are the leader manufacturer of stationery,gifts and bags,producing own brand products of "Beni Bear"and "yapee Dog",also holding the licenses of Barbie,Tom &Jerry and Loony Tunes. 我司是一家专业生产时尚文具礼品包装产品的工厂,除了生产自有品牌“邦尼熊”“雅皮狗”卡通产品外,还有“芭芘”,“猫和老鼠”和“乐一通”的生产和销售权。