- Putian black pig 莆田黑猪
- That black pig is the fattest one among them. 那只黑猪是它们中最肥的一只。
- A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig. 一只大黑熊在一头大黑猪的背上咬了一口。
- The only black pig is one of the most fertile among them. 那只黑猪是它们中最肥的一只。
- That the only black pig is one of the most fertile among them. 那只黑猪是它们中最肥的一只。
- Adjacent to the house is the pigpen, housing a large black pig. 和房子相连的是一个猪圈,养着一头大黑猪。
- The black pigs rootled for filth. 这些黑猪用鼻翻拱垃圾。
- She raised a group of black pigs . 她养过一群黑猪。
- The “Three Black” of Laiwu (black pig, black chicken and black goat) enjoys high reputation in North China as well-know livestock kinds. 莱芜“三黑”(黑猪、黑鸡、黑山羊)是我国北方著名的畜牧优良品种;
- In this experiment, we chose snow sample bloods of Jiaxing black pig in Jiaxing area at random and the halothane gene was tested with PCR-RFLP technique. 摘要随机抽取嘉兴地区部分种猪场嘉兴黑猪血样,通过PCR-RFLP技术进行氟烷基因检测。
- The game is introduced: Little white girlfriend of pig snatch evil black pig away, little white pig must go through over a lot of outpost of the tax office could rescue he loved girlfriend! 游戏介绍:小白猪的女朋友被邪恶的黑猪抢走了,小白猪必须经历过很多关卡才能救出他心爱的女朋友哦!
- In the breeding, selection of the combined genotype AAAA will further improve the litter size of Laiwu black pigs. 在育种实践中,选择AAAA合并基因型可进一步提高莱芜黑猪的繁殖性能。
- The result showed that the genotype of the 31 Jiaxing black pigs was NN, no Nn and no genotypes. 结果表明,31头嘉兴黑猪基因型均为NN,未出现Nn和nn型基因。
- The Q-banding patterns of the Duroc, Berkshire and Guanzhong Black Pigs were studied in detail using QFH banding method in this paper. 本文采用QFH显带法,对杜洛克、巴克夏和关中黑猪的Q-分带带型作了较为详细的研究。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- And a get a feel for Putian's unique charms. 感受一下莆田独特的风韵。