- Pure Brightness is also called hanshi in some areas. 有的地方把清明叫做寒食。
- Here we have one common polished tile, one Pure Bright polished tile. 这里有一块普通的抛光砖,和一块超洁亮抛光砖。
- Pure Brightness: It means the weather today is clear and warm, trees and grasses begin to turn green. 清明:表示天气晴朗,温暖,草木开始返青。
- On the Pure Brightness Festival, people visit family tombs or go to mausoleums of revolutionary martyrs. 人们在清明节去扫墓,或去祭扫革命烈士墓。
- On the Pure Brightness, we held a memorial service for martyrs in the funerary park. 清明节那天我们在墓园里墓祭了烈士们的英灵。
- In Pure Brightness, people burn some mock bank money notes for grandpa, according to their hometown custom. 清节时,按照家乡的风俗,他们给爷爷烧了些锞子。
- The other four left are the Waking of Insects, Pure Brightness, Lesser Fullness of Grain and Grain i... 另外还有四个节气是惊蛰,清明,小满,和芒种。“清明”是一个有点难以理解的词。...
- Pure Brightness during I will go up to the network to die the brethren displays a bundle ' flower ' , we won't forget them. 清明之际我将到网络上为遇难同胞献一束‘花’,我们不会忘记他们。”
- Please sample the West Lake Longjing Tea that my friend brought from Hangzhou, and it is the green tea made from the fresh leaves picked before this Pure Brightness. 尝尝我朋友从杭州带来的西湖龙井茶,还是今年的明前茶呢!
- Oh, it's quite obvious. The Pure Bright one is as clean as a new one, but the common one has already has stain on it. 外国客人:哇,这很明显呀。超洁亮这款砖还是和新的一样,而那款普通抛光砖已经有污渍留在上面了
- B: Tile that has applied Pure Bright technology has a protective layer on its surface, that layer could fill the small pore and crackle on polished tile. 销售小姐:应用了超洁亮技术的砖的表面有一层保护层,这保护层可以覆盖填补抛光砖表面的气孔和微裂纹。
- We develop a new anti-smut technology called Pure Bright, and we use it in the MJ collection.Tiles apply Pure Bright technology have a Q in their item number. 我们研发了一种新的抗污技术,叫做“超洁亮”,江山多娇系列的砖就应用了超洁亮技术,所以它们的产品编号里就有Q这个字母在里面。
- Breathe freely and pure bright: pearl whitening essence can form protective film on the surface of the skin to prevent yellowness of skin caused by oxidation. 透气莹亮:珍珠美白精华,在肌肤表层形成防护膜,防止皮脂氧化造成肤色暗黄现象。
- This kind of diarrhoea blame is with a kind of green tea picked before Pure Brightness of eat hind, goosefoot or midnight much, serious person can show have a bowel movement incontinent. 此种腹泻尤以餐后、黎明前或半夜为多,严重者可呈大便失禁。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- We must not overmeasure this kind of force, the injustice that because solve those,comes from ground floor and appeal to beg more need Pure Brightness of judicatory justice, administration. 我们切不可高估此种力量,因为解决那些来自底层的冤屈和诉求更需司法公正、行政清 明。
- Because people over chop down to over fell, make soil erosion, those dirty and smelly things flow nautical mile and make the ocean of original pure brightness become Hun muddy not pure. 由于人们滥砍滥伐,使水土流失,那些又脏又臭的东西流到海里,使原本清澈明亮的大海变得浑浊不清。
- Pure Brightness, around thefifth day of the fifth lunar month and midautumn festival three eachseven days, various holidays both sides respectively fly 12 classes,three equal 72 classes. 清明、端午及中秋三节前后各七天,各节日双方各飞十二班,三节合计七十二班。
- According to the directive of Ms.Zhang, the reporter opens the network that clean out treasure, appear awesomely on home page " how is Pure Brightness communicated with the ancestor? 按照张女士的指示,记者打开淘宝网,首页上赫然出现“清明怎样和祖先沟通?”