- They set to work and drilled enough pump wells to irrigate more land. 他们开始大干起来,打了足够的水泵井来灌溉更多的土地。
- It points out the necessity of tubing anchor in pumping wells,especially in deep wells. 指出了在抽油机井,尤其是深井中进行油管锚定的必要性。
- The dynamometer card analysis is a popular method for diagnosis of failure in pumping wells. 示功图分析法是目前常用的抽油井故障诊断方法。
- A model of nonartesian-artesian pumping well and new techniques of "water dam" hole-well cleaning are put forward. 提出了无压-承压井抽水模式和“拦水坝”式冲孔洗井等新工艺。
- A method of quantitative analysis of dynamometer for sucker rod pumping wells is presented, and a corresponding computer program is developed. 提出了一种泵示功图的定量分析方法。并编制了相应的定量分析软件。
- Flowing bottomhole pressure(FBHP) on drainage gas recovery wells is obtained by calculating bottomhole pressure of pumping wells at home and abroad. 借鉴目前国内外多种计算抽油井井底压力的方法来获取排水采气工艺井井底流压。
- This paper analyzes influencing factors on anticollision distance of fiberglass rod pumping wells, corrects some mistakes in the former literature, and presents some new opinions. 分析了影响玻璃钢杆抽油井深井泵防冲距的各因素,纠正了在这一问题中的一些错误认识,并就防冲距的计算提出了自己的看法。
- Through analyzing the force on the oil tube and sucker rod of the pumping well,this paper presents that the impingement displacement of normal productio... 矿场应用表明,机抽井检泵交井后重校防冲距有效地提高了泵效。
- The bump governor is a device for convernient pump bumping and impingement space specifying of pumping well. 抽油井碰调器是便于抽油井碰泵和规范防冲距的一种装置。
- The stresses in salt rock surrounding a cavern are lower than those in the virgin ground and with distribution as hydrostatical pressure surrounding a pumping well. 盐岩洞室周边附近区域内围岩的应力较低,其分布呈现出抽水井附近的水压力特征。
- Annulus Logging is an important means of monitoring implementation of pumping Well production,which is an important basis for the Oilfield taking measures. 环空产液剖面测井是对抽油机井井下产状实施动态监测的重要方法,是油田措施的重要依据。
- Gutters or channels on each side of a ship's keelson that drain bilge water into the pump well. 污水道,通水孔船底龙骨两侧用来排污水的水槽或水道
- This paper presents the hardware and software design of a microcontroller - based pumping well dynamometer. A rapid measurement technique, namely, single cycle measurement method is also introduced. 本文介绍了一种基于微控制器的抽油井示功仪的硬件结构、软件设计及其工作原理,并介绍了一种快速测试方法,即单周期测试法.
- As a special hydrodynamic sound generator, ultrasonic siren has applicative effects on viscosity reduction, scale removal on electric pump well. 作为一种特殊的流体动力式声波发生器,超声旋笛在电泵井防垢降粘方面有着显著的使用效果。
- The corrosion and wear of rod pump well cause the damage of downhole equipment and seriously affect the normal production of oil well. 有杆泵井中的腐蚀和磨损,造成油井的井下设备损坏,严重影响油井的正常生产。
- The submersible electric pump well system consists of such three subsystems as the oil well, submersible electric pump and pipeline. 潜油电泵井系统由油井、潜油电泵机组和管路三个子系统组成,三个子系统既有区别又相互联系。
- According to the energy loss of every part of screw pump well,established system efficiency analysis model for the well. 根据螺杆泵井各个部分运动特点及能量损失情况,建立了螺杆泵井系统效率分析模型。
- Using power function to describe the production rate,pressure and translating them into laplace space,the early time testing data of the pumping well can be modified to the radio flow period. 利用幂函数描述产量与压力值,并通过拉氏变换进行校正,可将抽油井测压早期段数据校正到径向流段,从而大大缩短抽油井测压时间。
- Firstly, the structure and the working principle of a new pump well indicator based on the microchip 89C51 are introduced in this paper. 介绍了一种以89C51单片机为核心器件的抽油机示功仪的组成及其工作原理。
- Application of the model results show that the effectiveness and accuracy of other oil fields to enhance the efficiency of screw pump well system has a certain significance. 应用结果表明了该模型的有效性和准确性,对提高其他油田螺杆泵井系统效率具有一定的指导意义。