- Pulse Doppler Seeker 脉冲多普勒自动寻的头
- Active homing guidance system mostly adopts the pulse Doppler system. Therefore, research has important significance for radar seeker simulation. 主动寻的制导系统大多采用脉冲多普勒体制,因此研究该类型雷达导引头仿真具有重要意义。
- Active radar seeker mostly adopts pulse Doppler monopulse radar system.So it is significant to research on the modeling and simulation of this kind of radar seeker. 主动雷达导引头大多采用脉冲多普勒单脉冲体制,因此研究该类型雷达导引头的建模和仿真有重要意义。
- In the modern electronic war, TRAD (Towed Radar Active Decoy) became an efficient way against PD (Pulse Doppler) radar seeker as a novelty jamming technique, and it has an important value in ECM field. 在现代电子战争中,拖曳式雷达有源诱饵干扰作为一种新型的干扰方式,是对抗脉冲多普勒雷达导引头的有效手段,其在电子对抗领域中具有重要的应用价值。
- The simulation proved that the algorithm can accomplish the pulse Doppler identification under great acceleration. 最后仿真表明,该算法可以完成高加速度下的脉冲多普勒测速。
- An automatic test system of the pulse Doppler active seeker 脉冲多普勒主动导引头自动化单元测试系统
- In the paper,digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) is applied to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze. 将数字射频存储器(DRFM)应用到机载无线电引信干扰机中用来对脉冲测距引信和脉冲多普勒引信进行干扰。
- Observed the effecting on parameters of left ventricular systolic function after myocardial infarction during infusion dobutamine(Dob) by pulse Doppler echocardiography. 应用脉冲多普勒超声心动图观察静注多巴酚丁胺(Dob)对心肌梗塞(MI)后左室收缩功能各项参数的影响。
- Pulse Doppler radar measurements consist of range, azimuth, elevation and radial veloc-ity, while most of the radar measurements only consist of the fomer three. 摘要多普勒雷达对目标的观测数据是由距离、方位角、俯仰角和径向速度组成,而大多数雷达的观测数据仅由前三者组成。
- Analysis of tracking performance and resource management for pulse doppler phased array radar is done by simulation with incorporating radial velocity into the IMM filtering. 摘要针对脉冲多普勒体制的相控阵雷达,利用交互多模型方法,分析了径向速度对相控阵雷达跟踪性能及雷达资源管理的影响。
- Methods:Mitral annular early diastole(Ea)and late diastole(Aa)velocities of 30 diabetic patients were measured by DTI and mitral annular inflow velocities E,A were compared with pulse Doppler. 方法 :以 DTI技术检测 30例 DM患者二尖瓣环舒张早期运动速度 (Ea)和舒张晚期运动速度 (Aa) ,并用脉冲多普勒法检测二尖瓣舒张早期血流速度 (E)和舒张晚期血流速度 (A) ,比较两组参数的不同。
- This thesis discusses the signal processing methods of Pulse Doppler (PD) weather radar, mainly studying Spectral Moments (SM) estimators and Range-Velocity (RV) ambiguity resolution methods. 本文讨论的是脉冲多普勒气象雷达信号处理技术,重点研究了谱矩估计和解模糊算法。
- Polarization suppression of angle cheating interference in pulse Doppler radar seeker 脉冲多普勒雷达导引头角欺骗干扰的极化抑制
- The detective ability of airborne pulsed Doppler radar is often greatly degraded in active jamming environment. 摘要在有源干扰下,机载脉冲多普勒雷达检测性能往往受到严重影响。
- RVOT blood flow parameters were measured with pulsed Doppler echocardiography (PW) for every case. 用脉冲多普勒超声(PW)测量各组病例RVOT血流频谱有关参数。
- Abstract: The main functions and performance parameters of the IFD Receiver for CINRAD/CB Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar are presented. 文章摘要: 介绍CINRAD/CB脉冲多普勒天气雷达数字中频接收机的主要功能和技术性能.
- The main functions and performance parameters of the IFD Receiver for CINRAD/CB Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar are presented. 介绍CINRAD/CB脉冲多普勒天气雷达数字中频接收机的主要功能和技术性能。
- An unwanted false electronic pulse. 一种不希望有的假电子脉冲。
- Methods: The all data were collected through temporal window by TCD using pulsed Doppler (2MHZ) in HAPE patients identified in clinic. 方法:将已确诊的HAPE患者,与颞窗通过低频脉冲多普勒(2MHZ),获得颅内脑底动脉环上的主要动脉的多普勒超声频移信号,进行TCD检测。
- Methods:M mode echocardiography and pulsed Doppler were used to obtain the variable of fetal cardiac structure and function in diabetic pregnancies. 方法:应用超声心动图测量糖尿病孕妇胎儿心脏结构与功能的各项指标及其与不同孕周之间的关系。