- Pulsatilla sinensis Reg. [医] 白头翁
- Reg had got in on the ground floor, and as the firm had progressed, so had he. 雷吉参与了这个公司的创办,公司发展了,他也获利了。
- Pulsatilla ambigua Turcz.ex Pritz. 新疆白头翁
- Pulsatilla turczaninovii Krylov. et Serg. [医] 细叶白头翁
- Failed to change security settings on a Reg key. 更改注册表项的安全性设置失败。
- Thanks again, Reg, I received your tamper today. Reg再次感谢你,我今天收到了填压器。
- Narcissus tazetta L.var sinensis Roem. [医] 水仙
- Error 13: REG label alloc memory fail ! 宣告REG时,记忆体不足。
- If Reg.OpenKey(KeyName, false) Then Reg. WriteExpandString('环境变量名称','环境变量值');
- Cordy cep s sinensis (Berk. ) Sacc. ) 在我国作为贵重中药材使用已有两千多年。
- Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Spreng. 白木香
- Cordyceps sinensis ( Berk. ) Sacc. 冬虫夏草
- Toona sinensis ( A. Juss. ) Roem. 香椿
- Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. 冬虫夏草
- Aeluropus littoralis var. sinensis Debx. 獐毛
- REG must be separately activated or deactivated in the menu. 注:reg必须单独在菜单里激活或关闭。
- To import the. Reg file back into the registry, double-click it. 要导入注册表;回.;reg文件双击该。
- Save the file as a. Reg file named AllowTrustedSites. Reg. 将该文件保存为名为AllowTrustedSites.;reg的
- Then, you can save the file that uses the. Reg file name extension. 然后;可用.;reg文件扩展名保存该文件。