- Puerto Rican Operations Center 波多黎各作战中心
- He is of Puerto Rican and Italian ancestry. 对演员没研究,真的是墨西哥或者南美血统?
- Both Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are Puerto Rican. 珍妮弗·罗佩慈和马克·安东尼都是萨尔萨舞者。
- And we have Puerto Rican, we have Portuguese; we have all kinds here, yes. 假如大家初次碰面就能沟通良好,该有多好!
- This Puerto Rican rum is flavored with a blend of clove, allspice and cinnamon. 哪一种波多黎各朗姆酒含有丁香和肉桂的味道?
- Whether Cuban, Mexican or Puerto Rican, most Latinos revere la familia. 不管是古巴人、墨西哥人。
- Activated its Emergency Operations Center. 启用它的紧急行动中心
- Network Operations Center (NOC) 24-hour monitoring. 网络运行中心(NOC)24小时监测。
- Innercity poverty is a risk factor: asthma mortality, for example, is highest among Americans of Puerto Rican and African descent. 城市贫民区倒是一个致病因素:比如,美藉波多黎哥人和美藉非洲人后裔的哮喘病死亡率最高。
- The Puerto Rican communityin New York wantstokeep its language and way of life alive. 纽约的波多黎哥人想保持自己的语言和生活方式。
- Others feel that even with a degree, doors will remain closed simply because the graduate is Puerto Rican. 另一些人认为,即使得到学位,这个波多黎各毕业生仍将吃闭门羹。
- Puerto Rico was chosen as the non-European team because Puerto Rican officials understood FIBA politics and pressed for inclusion. 波多黎各作为非欧盟国家被选入参赛国家的原因是波多黎各篮协对于国际篮联的政策非常理解并且一再的强调希望加入。
- Tener Una Cara De Telefono Ocupado - Puerto Rican Spanish: to be angry, literally "to have a face like a busy telephone". 波多黎各西班牙语:生气了,字面义“有张脸像忙碌的电话”。
- The group includes activists, two Nobel Peace Prize winners and, among others, Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin. 这个团体中包括两名诺贝尔和平奖得主和歌星里奇.;马丁。
- Jennifer was born in the Bronx, New York, the second of three daughters of Puerto Rican parents. 珍妮弗出生于纽约市布朗克斯区,父母是波多黎各人,她在三个女儿中排行老二。
- A half-dozen phones in the operations center went into use immediately. 顷刻之间,指挥中心的六、七台电话同时投入了工作。
- Irish, Italian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, and other people have influenced the cultural makeup of this huge city. 爱尔兰人、义大利人、犹太人、波多黎各人及其他各国的人都对这个大城市的文化带来了深远的影响。
- In southern Florida , it's Cuban and Columbian, and in New York , it's Puerto Rican and Dominican. 在佛罗里达州南部,这是古巴和哥伦比亚,并在纽约,这是波多黎各和多米尼加。
- Cotto would be a far bigger star than he ever was if he upsets Pacquiao, particularly among his Puerto Rican brethren. 倘若库托意外扳倒帕奎奥,那么,库托将被前所未有的星光围绕,将比肩波多黎各拳坛前辈们。
- The Puerto Rican chart-topper revealed his big news last week, explaining the babies were born to a surrogate mother. 这位波多黎各著名歌星上周发布了这个大新闻,说明婴儿是通过代孕母亲得到的。