- Puccinia curcumaen. 姜黄柄锈菌
- Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. 秆锈病
- Puccinia striiformis Westend f. sp. tritici Erikss. 小麦条锈菌
- HPCE Determination of Curcumins in Curcuma longa L. 高效毛细管电泳法测定姜黄中姜黄素类化合物。
- Study on Extract Turmeric Pigment from Curcuma. 姜黄提取姜黄色素的初步研究。短句来源。
- The peroxidase isoenzymes of Curcuma Linn. 姜黄属植物过氧化物酶同工酶的研究.
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. 温莪术化学成分的研究。
- A new species of Curcuma Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) from Kwangsi. 广西莪术 -- 姜黄属的一个新种.
- Study on Prevention and Control of Puccinia spp. In Festuca rubra L. 羊茅锈病发生与防治的研究。
- To obtain more virulent mutant stains with GUS gene in Puccinia striiformis. 摘要为了获得更多整合有外源GUS报告基因并且稳定表达的小麦条锈菌毒性突变菌株。
- Technology for extraction and isolation of curcumin from Curcuma longa L. 姜黄中姜黄素的提取及分离工艺研究。
- Objective: To study the effect of curcuma on the LDLR of macrophage in rats. 目的研究姜黄素对培养小鼠巨噬细胞LDL受体的影响。
- Curcuma Linn. is the perennial genus under the family Zingiberaceae. 姜黄属Curcuma Linn.;隶属于姜科Zingiberaceae,为多年生单子叶植物。
- A Study on Soil Suitablility for Growth of Rhizome of Curcuma longa L. 姜黄生长土壤的适宜性研究。
- An example is Puccinia graminis, the stem rust of cereals and grasses, which overwinters on the barberry. 例如生活在禾草上,引起麦类秆锈病的禾柄锈菌,必须在在小蘗属植物上越冬。
- The ryegrass rust (Puccinia coronate) may infect many grasses, particulary ryegrass. 黑麦草冠锈病是由禾冠柄锈菌所致,除危害黑麦草外还可侵染多种禾本科牧草。
- Methods Fructus Gardeniae,Rhizoma Curcumae longae,Olibanum,Myrrha were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法(TLC)对处方中的栀子、姜黄、乳香、没药进行定性鉴别;
- An economically important rust is Puccinia, which infects many crops, notably cereals. 有重要经济价值的锈菌是锈菌属,它们可以感染多种农作物,尤其是谷物。
- Methods:The active component of Rhizoma Curcumae was ascertained by using pharmacolgical methods. 方法:运用药效学方法确定莪术有效成分。
- Applied feasibility and effect of puccinia corticioides pigment in food were studied. 研究了竹蓐色素在食品中应用的可能性及其使用效果。