- Publishing is flourishing. 出版事业繁荣发展。
- Prices are stable and the market is flourishing. 物价稳定,市场繁荣。
- The industry of this district is flourishing. 这个地区工业发达。
- The third industry is flourishing. 第三产业很兴旺.
- The clothing industry here is flourishing. 这里的服装业非常兴盛。
- Trade in the electronics market is flourishing. 电子市场里交易很红火。
- Our great motherland is flourishing with each passing day. 我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上。
- Our party is flourishing and has no lack of successors. 我们的党兴旺发达,后继有人。
- A character from publishing is slated to appear in this movie. 出自外传小说中的一个角色已被提名将出现在这部影片中。
- Publishing is a business and is dominated by supply and demand. 出版业是一个受供求关系主导的行业。
- Publishing is a business that is dominated by supply and demand. 出版业是一个受供求关系主导的行业。
- Wormwood is flourishing in that low-lying, damp area. 那片低湿滩地里生长着茂密的大篙。
- The bank is flourishing; it's opened 2 more branches this year. 银行生意兴隆,今年又开了两家分行。
- Our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors. 我们的事业兴旺发达, 后继有人。
- Fareed Zakaria remarks that "democracy is flourishing, liberty is not. 作者评论道:“民主制度是欣欣向荣的,而自由却不是。”
- The publisher is death on sloppily typed manuscripts. 出版商极反对打字不清的原稿。
- The market is flourishing, and there are so many things to attract the buyer. 现在市场繁荣,到处都有入眼货。
- Book publishing is a kind of cultural industry, it engenders spiritual products of the culture and civilization. 摘要图书出版是一种文化产业,它生产的是文化和精神产品。
- His business is flourishing. 他的生意兴隆。
- The industry of Chinese publishing is stepping into the new age which is from selling books to selling brand . 中国的出版业正处于激烈的变革期,图书行业逐步进入一个由卖书到卖品牌的转换时代。