- Publishing House of Jinann. 济南出版社
- Visual C++ Database Developer's Guide,Chuck Wood (Ed.),Liang PY (Trans.),2000,Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 0数据库编程大全.;梁普选等译;北京:电子工业出版社;2000
- Charles F.Goldfarb Paul Prescod , XML Handbook,Fourth Edition, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2004. 王能斌编著;数据库系统原理;电子工业出版社;2001年.
- Developing Technology of Tomcat and Java Web [M].Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2004. Tomcat与Java Web开发技术详解[M].;北京:电子工业出版社;2004
- The publishing house of Nanjing Normal University called him again to invite him to write articles for them. 南师大出版社又打电话来与他约稿了。
- Charles F.Goldfarb Paul Prescod ,XML Handbook, Fourth Edition ,Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2004. 叶毅峰等编著,XML完全手册,中国电力出版社,2001。
- Chen XY. Practical animal model of TCM syndrome. Beijing: Joint Publishing House of Peking Medical Col-lege and Peking Union Medical College. 陈小野。实用中医证候动物模型学。北京:北京医科大学、中国协和医科大学联合出版社。
- Effects of Shelterbelt on Physiological and Ecological Characteristics and Biomass of Crops. Protective Plantation Technology. Publishing House of Northeast Forestry University. 防护林网内玉米田生物量和生产力格局研究。植物生态学与地植物学学报,16(2)。
- Publishing House of Electronics Industry is authorized by Thomson Learning to publish and distribute exclusively this simplified Chinese edition. 本书中文简体字翻译版由汤姆森学习出版集团授权电子工业出版社独家出版发行。
- In fact, the existing book store and sell goods in the Publishing House of average books up to 20% or more, serious book overstocking. 事实上,现行的书店代销方式,导致出版社的平均退书率高达20%25以上,图书库存积压严重。
- Zhu Jialing,et al. Technique on Geothermal Energy Development and Utilization[M], Chemical Industry Publishing House of China, 2006 (in Chinese). 汪集旸,马伟斌,龚宇烈.;地热利用技术-可再生能源丛书,北京:中国化学工业出版社,2006
- Wang Wenkui, Wang Jiyang, Zhao Shanrong. 2001.Crystal Microtopography[M].Wuhan: Publishing House of China University of Geosciences(in Chinese). 王文魁;王继扬;赵珊茸.;2001
- At this time of Jinan the street was almost empty. 在此时的济南,街上几乎不见行人踪迹。
- Demers,Writing,Fundamentals of Geographic Intbrmation Systems(Second Edition),Beijing:Publishing House of Electronics Industry,2001. Demers;地理信息系统基本原理(第二版)[M].;北京:电子工业出版社;2001
- Tani T.Photographic Sensitivity Theory and Mechanisms [M].Liu Cunyan trans.Shijiazhuang: Hebei Publishing House of Education, 2002. (in Chinese). [2]谷忠昭.;照相感光度理论和机理[M]
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- The publishing house infringed his copyright. 出版社侵犯了他的版权。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。
- Construction Technology of Jinan Yellow River Bridge No. 济南黄河二桥施工技术。
- Chen KX. Thinking and exploration of the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Shanghai: Publishing House of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 陈凯先。中医药发展的思考与探索。上海:上海中医药大学出版社。