- Pubescentes elliptilimban. 椭圆叶冷水花
- A pubescent girl regarded as sexually desirable. 性感撩人的发育期的女孩
- Calyx ca. 6 mm, 5-toothed, pubescent on both sides. 花萼5裂,两面均有短柔毛;
- Ovary and achene body pubescent. 子房和瘦果身体短柔毛。
- Rhizome scales imbricate, densely woolly pubescent. 根状茎鳞片覆瓦状,密被绵毛短柔毛。
- Female flower: ovary densely pubescent. 雌花子房密被短柔毛。
- Calyx tube exterior sparsely appressed pubescent. 萼筒外表疏生贴伏短柔毛。
- Leaf blade, pedicel, calyx, and ovary pubescent. 叶片,花梗,花萼和子房短柔毛。
- Lianas to 6 m.Branches and branchlets pubescent. 藤本植物到6米分部和小枝具短柔毛。
- Stipules linear, 8-10 mm, pubescent, caducous. 托叶线形,8-10毫米,短柔毛,早落。
- Lateral staminodes red, ca. 8 mm, pubescent. 侧生退化雄蕊红色,约8毫米,短柔毛。
- Calyx saucer-shaped, pubescent, margin undulate. 花萼茶托状,短柔毛,边缘波状。
- Branchlet pith without vascular strands, pubescent. 小枝的髓没有维管束,被短柔毛。
- Petiole and leaf blade abaxially densely pubescent. 叶柄和叶片背面密被短柔毛。
- Disk thick, extrastaminal, slightly pubescent. 花盘厚,雄蕊外,稍具短柔毛。
- Calyx saucer-shaped, pubescent, nearly entire. 花萼茶托状,短柔毛,近全缘。
- Herbs, erect, viscid pubescent throughout. 全部的草本,直立,黏的短柔毛。
- Herbs low, some stemless, pubescent. 草本低,某种无茎,青春期。
- Disk glands squarish, pubescent. 花盘腺体近似方形的,短柔毛。
- Corolla tube pubescent; lower lip ciliate. 花冠筒短柔毛;下唇具缘毛。