- Pu Yi: The Emperor cannot be examined. 溥仪:皇帝是不能接受考试的。
- AS FAR as is known, Pu Yi, the last emperor of China, had five wives. 据目前所知,中国末代皇帝溥仪有5个妻子,李玉琴是其中的一位。
- As for the "big Chiang Kai-sheks" such as Emperor Pu Yi, Wang Yao-wu and Tu Yu-ming, we will execute none of them. 至于“大蒋介石”,比如宣统皇帝、王耀武、杜幸明那些人,我们一个不杀。
- The last emperor, Pu Yi, quietly took the painting with him when forced to leave the Forbidden City in 1924. 末代皇帝,溥仪悄悄地把画时,他被迫离开紫禁城的1924年。
- Pu Yi is the son of mellow infante of big clear Caesarean prince regent, this year ability is 3 years old. 溥仪是大清帝国摄政王醇亲王的儿子,今年才三岁。
- After the Republican Revolution in 1911, Pu Yi, then still a child, was abdicated the next year. 1911年共和革命以后,还是个孩子的溥仪第二年就宣布退位。
- We don't execute people like Hu Feng, Pan Han-nien, Jao Shu-shih, or even captured war criminals such as Emperor Pu Yi and Kang Tse. 胡风、潘汉年、饶漱石这样的人不杀,连被俘的战犯宣统皇帝、康泽这样的人也不杀。
- When World War II ended, Pu Yi returned but had to live a peasant life. He soon fell in love with Li and later they got married. 二次大战结束,溥仪开始过平民生活,及后他与李淑贤邂逅及结婚。
- Until the death of Pu Yi, married a total of five times, the prescription should be above in its fourth or fifth wife when used. 溥仪直到去世,一共结婚五次,上面的方子应该是在其第四或者第五任妻子时采用的。
- In the 1930s Pu Yi was made a sort of emperor again by the Japanese who had occupied Manchuria, a region in north-east China they called Manchukuo. 1930年代,日本人占领位于中国的东北部满洲时,溥仪又被重新立为所谓“满洲国”的皇帝,日本人相信,这将帮助他们在此地的占领具有合法性。
- Leave the Tianjin Pu Yi former home (quiet garden) for quiet poplar and willow Shi Jia compound since how longtime vehicle need is and how much be? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>娱乐休闲>度假旅游>从天津的溥仪故居(静园)去杨柳静的石家大院打车需要多长时间及多少钱?
- Pu Yi, the last emperor of China with Empress Wan Rong and concubine Wen Xiu came dancing at the Astor Hotel every Autumn during their six years staying in Tianjin (1925-1931). 中国末代皇帝爱新觉罗溥仪皇后婉荣淑妃文秀居津六载(1925-1931)。每值金秋,清风送爽,必至饭店歌舞。
- After Xinhai revolution, the last emperor Pu Yi decided to lay down the scepter which was the symbol of the end of China's thousands years feudalization . 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。
- After Xinhai revolution, the last emperor Pu Yi decided to lay down the scepter which was the symbol of the end of China's thousands of years feudalization . 辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。
- Pu Yi and Wan Rong was appraised as the best work by the 13th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association and in 1985 American Presidents won recognition as a unique piece of Chinese art. 《溥仪和婉容肖像》被第13届国际烟壶协会评为最优秀奖; 《美国历届总统像》荣获 1985年中国工艺美术珍品奖。
- They gave Pu Yi a state visit to Tokyo, and provided him with a palace in Manchukuo, an allowance and a Japanese military uniform, and set out to find him a wife suitable for his imperial status. 并为他在“满洲国”建立了皇宫,提供资金和一套日本皇军军服,还张罗着为他找一个符合皇帝身份的妻子。
- Pu Yi proved to be a survivor, as he lived through ten years of intensive brainwashing and emerged to become a member of the People’s National Congress as representative of the Manchu people. 溥仪是一个幸存者,在经历了十年反复洗脑之后,最终成为全国人民代表大会上满族人的代表。
- He was pardoned at age 53 after serving 10 years in prison and became a gardener in Beijing. (Watch a CCTV video about the pardon on Pu Yi, famous in the West for the film “The Last Emperor. 他在监狱服刑10年后于53岁时被特赦,此后成为了北京的一名园丁。
- In August, the puppet “Manchukuo” Emperor Pu Yi to appear for 8 days, Sakamoto detailed planning pseudo-Yuan “Manchukuo” crimes and evidence to enable more people to learn the truth of the matter. 8月,伪“满洲国”皇帝溥仪连续出庭8天,详述坂垣筹划伪“满洲国”的罪行和证据,让世人更多地了解到了事实的真相。
- New Year's Card from Last Emperor Pu Yi's Widow 溥仪遗孀李淑贤的最后一张贺年片