- Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. [医] 囊状紫檀(奇诺的原植物)
- Pterocarpus marsupium 印度吉纳树
- Hard durable wood of red sandalwood trees (Pterocarpus santalinus). 名紫榆,豆科,常绿大乔木,高五尺丈。
- Many species have a pouch (marsupium), a fold of skin covering the nipples on the mother's lower belly, where the young continue their development. 许多品种都有一个育儿袋(marsupium),是在母体下腹盖住乳头的皮袋,幼体在袋内继续发育。
- A tropical tree(Pterocarpus indicus) native to southeast Asia, having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain. 紫檀一种热带树木(青龙木紫檀属)原产于亚洲东南部,有斑驳的或条状的黑粒面的红色木材
- A reddish resin obtained from several Old World trees of the genera Eucalyptus, Pterocarpus, and Butea and from tropical American trees of the genera Coccoloba and Dipteryx. 吉纳胶一种红色树脂,从几种东半球的桉属、紫檀属和紫铆树属树木,或从海葡萄属以及香豆属的热带美洲树木中提取
- CONCLUSION This established screening method is efficient and reliable extract for the deeper development of the extract of Pterocarpus indicus willd. 结论所建筛选方法高效、可靠,所得紫檀浸膏具有进一步开发的价值。
- A reddish resin obtained from several Old World trees of the genera Eucalyptus,Pterocarpus,and Butea and from tropical American trees of the genera Coccoloba and Dipteryx. 吉纳胶一种红色树脂,从几种东半球的桉属、紫檀属和紫铆树属树木,或从海葡萄属以及香豆属的热带美洲树木中提取。
- Of or relating to a marsupium. 育儿袋的育儿袋的或与育儿袋有关的
- The plants from Pterocarpus (Leguminosae), Daemonorops draco (Palmae) and Croton (Euphorbiaceae) were also used as the substitution of Dragon' s Blood in some regions. 豆科植物Pterocarpus draco;棕榈科麒麟竭(Daemonorops draco bl.;);以及来源于大戟科巴豆属(Croton)的多种植物作为血竭的代用品在部分地区使用。
- Any of various tropical or semitropical leguminous trees of the genera Tipuana, Pterocarpus, or Dalbergia, having hard reddish or dark wood with a strongly marked grain. 蔷薇木,红木:任一种热带或亚热带黑黄檀,或檀木,属豆科乔木,其树木坚硬并呈深红色或黑色且有明显的纹理
- The results show that Chorisia speciosa, Pterocarpus indicus and Terminalia catappa are suitable for garden landscape and road shade in coastal area of Fujian. 引种栽培结果表明,三种植物性状表现良好,适于在福建沿海作为庭园景观树种和道路遮荫树种。
- Pterocarpus L. [医] 紫檀属
- Pterocarpus santalinus L. 紫檀
- Pterocarpus santalinus L.f. [医] 紫檀
- mottled curly-grained wood of Pterocarpus indicus. 斑驳的有弯曲纹理的木料。
- Pterocarpus santalinus [red sandal wood] 茜草叶紫檀
- Study of Seedling Grading of Pterocarpus indicus 印度紫檀苗木分级研究
- sandalwood padauk (Pterocarpus santalinus) 紫檀
- Introduction Status and Perspectives of Pterocarpus in China 紫檀属树种在我国的引种概况及发展前景