- Pseudocercospora basellaen. 落葵假尾孢
- Fig. 1. Symptom of leaf spot on Basella rubra. 一、落葵叶斑病之病徵。
- Fig. 2. Conidiophores and conidia of Alternaria alternata produced on leaf spot of Basella rubra(A,B). 二、落葵叶斑病斑上的病原菌孢子梗及孢子(A,B)。
- Pseudocercospora filiformis (Davis) Bai et Cheng, comb. nov. on Pulsatilla cernus (Thunb.) Bercht. 白头翁假尾孢(Pseudocercospora fili]ormis(Davis)Bai et Cheng;comb.;nov
- Bacterial leaf spot disease of malabar spinach (Basella rubra) was discovered in Jiangsu Province in 1994. The disease has not been reported before. 1994年在江苏省南京及镇江地区新发现了落葵细菌性叶斑病 ,从病斑所分离的 10个细菌菌株经柯赫氏法则验证 ,均确系该病的病原菌。
- The red pigment from Basella rubra mature fruit is brightl in color, tinting strenth, low cost, broad source of raw materials, safe and non-toxic. 摘要木耳菜果实红色素色泽鲜艳,着色力强,生产成本低廉,原料来源丰富,安全无毒。
- Basella L. [医] 落葵属
- Basella rubra L. [医] 落葵
- Basella rubral L. 落葵
- Pseudocercospora filiformis (Davis) Bai et Cheng; 白头翁假尾孢(Pseudocercospora filiformis(Davis)Bai et Cheng);
- Pseudocercospora tecomae-heterophyllaen. 异叶黄钟花假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora cassiae-fistulaen. 阿勃勒假尾孢
- Keywords Basella alba L.;acid-base indicator; 落葵红;酸碱指示剂;落葵果;
- Pseudocercospora mucunae-ferrugineaen. 暗红油麻藤假尾孢
- BaseLLa Rubra L. mature fruit red pigment 木耳菜果实红色素
- Pseudocercospora nicotianae-benthamianaen. 烟草假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora alternantherae-nodifloraen. 节花虾钳菜假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora tabernaemontanaen. 山马茶假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora ilicis-micrococcaen. 小果冬青假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora ehretiae-thyrsifloraen. 厚壳树假尾孢