- The first trimester of pregnancy. 妊娠的头三个月
- What are the effects of pregnancy? 怀孕有什么症状?
- Capacitation of acrosome; Process of pregnancy. 精子获能;妊娠的过程。
- Pruritus of pregnancy 妊娠瘙痒
- Many myths surround the mysteries of pregnancy. 围绕着怀孕的种种现象有许多神话。
- The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. 译文:该孕妇曾患妊娠毒血症。
- To reach the stage of pregnancy when the fetus can be felt to move. 胎儿蠕动达到可以感觉到胎儿活动的怀孕阶段
- Mind, you are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy. 注意,你现在怀孕将近三个月了。
- Persistent application could effectively fade striae of pregnancy. 长期使用可以有效地淡化妊娠纹。
- Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? 妊娠股臀红斑:一种新的妊娠皮肤病?
- Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. 有些妇女在怀孕的头三个月里,早上有恶心感。
- Results The pruritus, fetal distress, and intrauterine death appeared in the animal of treated group, which were similar with the symptoms of pregnancy women in ICP. 结果胆酸灌注后实验组母羊有明显的瘙痒症状,并出现宫内窘迫及胎儿死亡,得到与ICP孕妇相似的结果。
- Objective:To study on the principle of prevention and treatment of pruritus of meatus acousticus externus. 目的:探讨外耳道瘙痒症的防治原则。
- "That's the kind of pregnancy I want," the nurse joked. "我要是这么轻松地怀孕该多好啊!"护士开玩笑地说。
- Nausea ("morning sickness") is a reliable sign of pregnancy. 作呕(“晨起呕吐”)是妊娠的可靠征象。
- You are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy. 您现在怀孕将近三个月了。
- There were some differences of clinical characteristic, pathogenic factor,predilection site and occupation, age, sex and so on between pruritus of meatus acousticus externus and in other diseases of external ear canal. 结果 :该病与外耳道其它疾病在临床特征、致病因素、好发部位以及职业、年龄、性别等均存在一定差别。
- Survey of Pregnancy Plasma DHA and Ralated Food Factors. 孕妇血浆DHA水平及其相关因素调查
- The symptoms of the upper and the lower respiratory tract are rhinitis (sneezing, pruritus of the nose, nasal stuffiness, and nasal obstruction), larynx edema, cough, wheezing, and bronchial asthma. 皮肤反应:局部的或无显著特点的搔痒症、面部潮红、风疹、血管性水肿、麻疹样疹病、突发特异性皮炎;
- Methods:The effects of antipruritus of two doses of Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract were observed by itching models such as systemic or local skin pruritus of experimental animal. 方法:选用二种瘙痒模型,观察不同剂量。地肤子醇提物对实验动物全身和局部皮肤瘙痒的影响。