- Prunella immaculatan. 栗背岩鹨
- Survey of Studies on Prunella Vulgaris L. 夏枯草的研究概况及展望。
- She is a woman to whom personal comforts are leather and prunella. 她是一个不讲求个人舒适的人。
- Study of the Germinating Character of Prunella Vugaris L. 夏枯草种子发芽特性的研究。
- Title: Determination of ursolic acid in Prunella vulgaris L. 关键词:夏枯草;熊果酸;鉴别;含量测定
- Prunella ventures inside some of the most famous royal palaces in Britain. 她是个羞怯而谦恭的女人,但是作为女王,她又毫不犹豫地行使着自己的权力。
- Since then, they planted prunella and treated the common people with the herb. 后来,父子二人广种夏枯草,为民治病,深得人心。
- Studies on the Orthogonal Experiment for Optmization of Extraction Procedure of Prunella vulgaris L. 正交实验优选夏枯草提取工艺的研究。
- TLC analysis and antibacterial activity of the extracts from Prunella vulgaris L. 夏枯草提取物的薄层层析及体外抗菌活性研究。
- Advances in the study on the chemical constituents and biological activities of Prunella vulgaris L. 夏枯草的化学成分及生物活性研究进展。
- A clinical study on treating primary open-angle glaucoma by Prunella vulgaris L. 夏枯草膏治疗原发性开角型青光眼的临床观察。
- The prunella is bitter and pungent in taste, cold in property, and enters the lung and liver meridians by tropism. 夏枯草味苦辛,性寒,可入肺、肝二经,具有清热散结,清肝明目之攻效。
- Objective:Approach the effect of drug sensitivity of the three Chinese medical material prunella for M.tuberculosis. 目的:探讨夏枯草对结核分枝杆菌的药物敏感性。
- The research on the extraction and isolation technique of the polysaccharide of Prunella vugaris L(PP2) was made. 对夏枯草多糖的分离纯化方法作了探讨,通过正交试验,筛选出最佳工艺条件。
- Dipoena immaculata sp. nov.n. 无斑圆腹蛛
- Objective: To understand the effect of illumination,temperature on the germination of the Prunella vulgaris seeds. 目的:了解温度、光照等条件对夏枯草种子萌发的影响。
- Long Shan has combined prunella vulgaris with honey to develop this nutritious and delicious beverage. 龙山将之配合滋润养颜的蜂王浆蜜,常饮用令人面色红润,容光焕发。
- Title: Advances in the study on the chemical constituents and biological activities of Prunella vulgaris L. 关键词:夏枯草;化学成分;生物活性;综述
- Objective: To study seed quality test,and establish seed quality classification standard of Prunella vulgaris. 目的:研究夏枯草种子的检验方法和质量分级标准。
- Were so swollen thyroid is not fully restored, iodine-rich kelp so swollen thyroid better than the resumption of Prunella. 均使肿大的甲状腺不完全恢复,富碘昆布使肿大甲状腺恢复好于夏枯草。