- The law protects the children from harm. 这条法令保护孩子们免受伤害。
- Protect the children from harm. 保护儿童免受伤害。
- We should defend the child from harm. 我们要保护这孩子不受伤害。
- You should protect the children from catching cold. 你应该防备孩子们受凉。
- We must protect the children from violence. 我们必须保护儿童不受暴力侵犯。
- You should protect the children from catching cold . 你应该防备孩子们受凉。
- The government should protect the children from losing school. 政府应该保护儿童不失学。
- protect the children from harm 保护儿童免受伤害。
- This is due to the child desperately wanting his/her mother, knowing that this is the person who would always want to be there for them, and the mothers deep desire to protect her child from harm. 这是因为她的孩子非常想得到母亲的帮助,他们知道母亲是随时都愿意来到自己身边,给予帮助的人,而母亲也有保护她的孩子免受伤害的强烈愿望。
- This is due to the child desperately wanting his/her mother,knowing that this is the person who would always want to be there for them,and the mothers deep desire to protect her child from harm. 这是因为,她的孩子非常想得到母亲的帮助,他们知道母亲是随时都愿意来到自己身边,给予帮助的人,母亲也有保护她的孩子免受伤害的强烈愿望。
- For one thing, most parents provide excessive doting care and material supplies to protect the children from the harsh reality. 根据这一论断,考生可以自由联想其在生活中的含义。最明显的就是当前社会孩子的教育问题和独生子女问题。
- This is due to the child desperately wanting his/her mother, knowing that this is the person who would always want to be there for them,the mothers deep desire to protect her child from harm. 这是她的孩子非常想得到母亲的帮助,他们知道母亲是随时都愿意来到自己身边,给予帮助的人,而母亲也有保护她的孩子免受伤害的强烈愿望。
- She chased the children from her yard. 她把那些孩子赶出院子。
- I kept the children from going out. 我不让孩子们出去。
- She tore the child from its father's arms. 她把孩子从父亲怀里抢了过去。
- Purchase genuine licensed to protect the hearing from harm! 购买正品行货,保护听力不受伤害!
- Robbie couldn't keep the child from yelling. 罗比没法使孩子不大叫大嚷。
- Parents are demanding that the school put a gate at the entrance to the playground to protect the children from running into the road. 家长们要求学校在通往游戏场的入口处安上一个大门以防止孩子们往马路上跑。
- It is the nature of a mother to defend her child from harm. 保护自己的孩子不受伤害是一个母亲的天性。
- In those days they could not spare the children from fieldwork. 那时候,孩子不到地里干活是不行的。