- Roth-Turkel trephine for prostatic biopsy 罗-特二氏前列腺活检环钻
- A prostate biopsy showed seeral well-formed non-caseating granulomas as seen here. 前列腺活检可以看到几个形态完好的非干酪性肉芽肿。
- A prostate biopsy showed several well-formed non-caseating granulomas as seen here. 前列腺活检可以看到几个形态完好的非干酪性肉芽肿。
- This score was then compared with PSA testing in predicting the outcome of the repeat prostate biopsy. 然后把这个积分同PSA检测相比较,看谁预测重复前列腺活检的结果更准。
- Efficacy for clinical diagnosis of PSAT and prostatic biopsy 特异性抗原密度联合前列腺穿刺活检诊断前列腺癌的价值
- Sextant prostate biopsy was positie in 7 patients (23%), including 4 with one positie core and 3 with two positie cores. 7位患者(23%25)的六分之一前列腺生检呈阳性,其中4位有一个阳性核心,3位有两个阳性核心。
- Researchers collected urine samples from 234 men with rising PSA levels before they underwent prostate biopsy at a University of Michigan urology clinic. 研究人员从密歇根大学临床肿瘤医院采集了234名男性病人的尿液标本,他们的PSA水平都生高,但是没有进行前列腺的病理诊断。
- Nitrous oxide is a well established analgesic and anxiolytic agent, and it significantly reduces pain associated with transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy. 该项研究作者等相关研究人员对在55岁以下患者行膀胱软镜检查时笑气的运用进行了研究。
- Conclusions The sonographic findings of the hypoechoic lesions showed by TRUS are helpful in differential diagnosis and in increasing the efficiency of prostate biopsy. 结论TRUS检查前列腺外腺低回声病灶有助于鉴别诊断,有利于提高前列腺活检的效率。
- Prostate biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasound is the main method for final diagnosis of prostate cancer.As it has been widely used, some questions also emerged. 经直肠超声前列腺活检是主要确诊前列腺癌的方法,随着其广泛普及,也出现一些问题,主要是活检点数、次数及部位存在差异。
- trephine for prostatic biopsy 前列腺活检环钻
- Transrectal prostatic biopsy 经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术
- Prostatic biopsy 前列腺穿刺活检
- Keywords Prostate cancer(PCA);Digital rectal examination(DRE);Prostatic specific antigen(PSA);Transrectal ultrasound(TRUS);Prostate biopsy; 前列腺癌;直肠指检;经直肠超声;前列腺穿刺活检;
- This proved to be prostatic adenocarcinoma. 证实为前列腺腺癌。
- Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor. 卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤
- Brain biopsy revealed grade IV astrocytoma. 脑内活检示星形细胞瘤,IV级。
- A muscle biopsy is positive for fungus. 肌肉活组织检查发现有真菌侵犯。
- The biopsy was taken from left forearm. 活组织检查的组织取自于左前臂。
- However, prostatic hyperplasia is not a premalignant lesion. 不过,前列腺增生不是癌前病变。