- Basic researches also indicated that the activating of adrenocortical stem cells and promoting regeneration of adrenal cortex is one of the mechanisms underlying improvement of adrenocortical function. 实验研究表明补肾药激活肾上腺皮质干细胞,促进肾上腺皮质再生是其改善肾上腺皮质功能的机制之一。
- Bee Mucus can activate human body energy and promote regeneration of tissues. 增加活力,促进组织生机能。
- artificial promoting regeneration 人促更新
- promoting regeneration of tissue for astringency 生肌收敛
- Conclusion:Decimeter wave could promote regeneration of peripherial nerve and functional recovery. 结论:分米波能促进周围神经的再生和功能恢复。
- If these deices remoe or reduce factors known to promote regeneration, is the rate of regeneration retarded? 然而,人工肝还没有被作为一项常规的临床治疗手段应用。
- Herbivorous consumption severely affected the growth of saplings.Nursing plants promoted regeneration. 动物的采食对幼苗的生长影响很大,保育植物可以促进红豆杉种群的更新。
- Bone marrow stromal cells enhance differentiatioin of cocultured neurosphere cells and promote regeneration of injured spinal cord. 骨髓基质细胞促进共培养的神经细胞团分化和损伤脊髓的再生。
- Conclusion Finding a way to degrade chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans may promote regeneration of axons after spinal cord injury. 结论研究能有效抑制硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖的方法可能促进损伤后脊髓的再生。
- No significant dysfunction happened.Conclusion: Local application of MEBO in association with debridement can promote regeneration and... 结论:手指末节保留清创及创面应用湿润烧伤膏外涂的方法可促进患指的愈合及局部再生。
- PTX preconditioning not only alleviates the hepatic reperfusion injury but also promotes regeneration of remnant liver obviously. 应用PTX预处理不仅能减轻肝脏的再灌注损伤程度,还可以明显地促进残肝再生。
- Improved Saba capillary permeability experiment method was adopted in studying the mechanism of external application of Chinese herbs based on the theory of "leaning of the pus to promote regeneration" over the wound surface. 采用改良Saba毛细血管通透性实验法,研究外用中药"偎脓长肉"促进创面愈合机制。
- Mass education is essential in promoting democracy. 民众教育对提倡民主是非常重要的。
- Studies on Promoting Regeneration Rate of Potato Transformation System 提高马铃薯遗传转化体系再生频率的研究
- Promoting or inducing nasal discharge. 催嚏的促使或导致打喷嚏的
- Du bleibst bei uns, bis der Regen aufh?rt. 你留在我们这里,等到雨停吧!
- Manchmal gibt es ziemlich starken Regen. 有的时候雨很大。
- Study on Cultivating Mushroom Material Forest Through Artificial Measures Promoting Regeneration 人工促进天然更新培育花菇原料林的研究
- Does not trigger in combat Mana Regen. 王导当即表示同意,并同意由他挑选。
- Es siehtnach Regen aus.Gehen wirsofort weg! 要下雨了故宫的神思故宫英文介绍,我们快走吧。