- Nobody can bring us swiftly, painlessly into the promised land. 无人能够把我们迅速地、毫无痛苦地带进理想之园。
- They took over the Promised Land. 他们进去了,他们占据了应许地。
- And I've seen the Promised Land. 前方就是乐上。
- For the white beach of the promised land. 向着约定之地的白色海岸远航。
- Dreaming only of the promised land. 梦想着约定之地。
- Nobody can bring us swiftly,painlessly into the promised land. 无人能够把我们迅速地、毫无痛苦地带进理想之园。
- Moses died there, able to see, but not to enter, the promised land. 摩西在那里死去,能够看见,但没有进入那应许之地。
- The pillars never left until they entered the promised land. 直到进入应许之地,云柱和火柱总不离开。
- Was one of the 12 spies sent into the promised land by Moses. 是摩西差派进入应许之地的12个探子之一。
- Moses led them to Mount Nebo to see the promised land and there he died. 摩西带领他们到尼波山,观看要得为业的地,他就死在此地。
- If , that plow stays in your hand , land you straight in the Promised Land . (只要犁在手,你就能进到特许之地,通行无阻。)
- Mona in the Promised Land is the second novel written by contemporary Chinese American writer Gish Jen. 摘要当代华裔作家任碧莲的第二部长篇小说《莫娜在希望之乡》是一部展现美国20世纪60年代文化图景的文学作品。
- Her ambition was always to come to America which she thought of as a promised land. 她一向渴望到美国来,她认为这儿是一处天堂。
- ANNA lived in the promised land preceding and just following the entrance of the Prince of Peace into the earth. 安娜生活在希望之乡之前和和平王子来到地球之后的时期内。
- It cannot be said that the promised land was ever completely in the grasp of the Hebrews. 并不能说这块上帝许给的土地曾经完全被希伯来人控制过。
- Moses' successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land; best remembered for his destruction of Jericho. 带领以色列人到上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方的摩西的继承人;最以毁灭罪恶之城寨瑞寇而被铭记。
- In the Old Testament it was the first place taken by the Israelites under Joshua as the entered the Promised Land. 据基督教的《旧约全书》所述,它是第一个被约书亚带领的犹太人征服,作为去往天国的入口。
- But I want you know tonight,that we,as a people will get to the Promised Land,and I'm not fearing any man. 但今夜我要让你们知晓,我们就是将要抵达乐土的子民。我不怕任何人。
- But at any rate they did not succeed in conquering any more than the hilly backgrounds of the promised land. 但是不管怎么说,他们成功征服的地方仅仅局限于所谓的希望之乡的偏僻山地。
- Promised land A longed-for place where complete satisfaction and happiness will be achieved. 福地盼望已久的地方,在那里可获得充分的幸福和满意。