- Work on the new road is progressing slowly. 新路的修建工作在缓慢进行。
- Progressives slowly evolved a refinement of the commission form. 进步派对委员会体制逐步进行精心改进。
- The line of traffic progressed slowly through the town. 车流缓慢地穿过城镇。
- Suoidea is a Superfamily group of artiodactylas.Limited by the poor fossil records, the researches of suoids in China progress slowly, and there are lots of misunderstanding. 猪形类是哺乳动物偶蹄类中一个比较特殊的门类,由于化石不是特别丰富,在我国较长时间以来一直没有人进行任何专门研究,对猪类化石的认识长期以来存在很多的局限。
- The public has progressed slowly, but steadily, in rejecting the perverse tolerance of bribes. 公众在抗拒顽固的贿赂恶习上已经取得了缓慢的、但是稳步的进展。
- He was admitted to hospital because of exacerbated anasarca which had been progressing slowly for over half a year. 这次住院是因为全身水肿在最近半年内逐渐恶化,并发现严重蛋白尿和血尿。
- The ship made slow progress through the rough sea. 船只在汹涌的大海中缓慢前进。
- The natural ecology continues to deteriorate, treatment of water and soil erosion has progressed slowly, and the trend of desertification has intensified. 自然生态恶化的趋势仍在发展,水土流失治理进展缓慢,沙漠化扩张的势头日益加剧。
- Results The eye sympotoms and uveitis of all patients were very mild, and their retinal vasculitis and retinal necrosis progressed slowly. 结果 所有患者发病时眼部症状及葡萄膜炎表现较轻,视网膜血管炎和坏死灶进展较慢。
- Until 2002, the work progressed slowly but steadily, aided largely by helpful and frequent advice from fellow FOSS enthusiasts worldwide. 到2002年,在世界各地自由/开源软件支持者大量有益建议的帮助下,本地化工作进展虽然缓慢但稳定。
- They made slow progress towards the mountaintop. 他们向山顶缓慢地前进。
- But because of the balky sequencing tools of the day and their high cost, much of the subsequent research progressed slowly or stalled. 但是由于当时测序工具的停滞不前和高成本,很多后续研究进程都十分缓慢甚至停滞不前。
- Current research into tachycardiomyopathy is progressing slowly,however,early diagnosis and etiological treatment are important in clinical practice. 目前对其认识逐步深入,临床上早期诊断及病因治疗有重要意义。
- The procession made slow but sure progress along the main street. 行进队伍沿着大街缓慢而稳步地向前进。
- But the picture is a little fuzzier when it comes to prostate cancer, which in many cases progresses slowly and may not require aggressive treatment. 不过,当谈到前列腺癌的时候,问题就变得更加复杂化了,在很多案例中,患者的病情进展缓慢,可能不需要积极治疗。
- As they progressed slowly through the trackless dark between the stars, the Zerg assimilated only the strongest of the races that they came across. 当他们缓慢的在这漫无边际的黑暗中旅行的时候,他们只同化最强悍的种族。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。
- His boss was dissatisfied with his tardy progress. 老板对他缓慢的进度不满意。
- We have made pleasing progress in our talks. 我们的会谈已经取得了令人满意的进展。
- The tuck slowly ploughed through the mud. 车在泥泞中吃力地缓慢行驶。