- Hearing dogs for the deaf can be invaluable to people with a profound hearing loss. 助听辅助犬对听力损伤严重的人有着巨大的帮助。
- Multichannel cochlear implantation is a useful method to restore the hearing of the patients with profound hearing loss. 多道人工耳蜗植入能使极重度耳聋患者恢复听觉功能。
- Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of frequency transpositional hearing aids on hearing and speech rehabilitation for children with profound hearing loss. 目的本研究通过为极重度听力损失的儿童验配移频助听器并跟踪其语言训练结果,分析配戴移频助听器后的听力语言康复效果。
- The Effect of Non-Linear Amplification and Low Compression Threshold on Receptive and Expressive Speech Ability in Children with Severe to Profound Hearing Loss Gou, J.Valero, J. Marcoux, A. 压缩阈和非线性放大助听器对重度至极重度听力损失儿童的言语接受与表达能力的影响。
- Audiograms of the affected members show severe to profound hearing loss in high frequencies, whereas bilateral and symmetrical residual hearings are noted in low frequencies. 罹病者之听力图均表现出高频处重度听障,低频处有残馀听力,且残馀听力左右对称。
- Application of frequency transpositional hearing aids on patients with profound hearing loss 移频助听器在极重度听力损失耳中的应用
- Acoustic Evoked Short Latency Negative Response in Patients with Profound Hearing Loss 重度聋的声诱发短潜伏期负反应
- Development of research on language improvement in high frequency for people with profound hearing loss 重度听力损失者的又一选择
- Comparing Studies of Frequency Shifting Technique and Non-Frequency Shifting Technique Hearing Aids in Profound Hearing Loss Patients 重度聋者配戴移频与非移频助听器的对比研究
- Audiometric configuration characterized by a profound hearing loss with measurable thresholds only in the low-frequency region, 特征为极度听力损失,仅在低频区可测得阈值的听力图型
- Keywords Acoustically evoked short latency negative response;Vestibular evoked myogenic potential;Cochlear implant;Profound hearing loss;Saccule; 声诱发短潜伏期负电位;前庭诱发肌源性电位;人工耳蜗;极重度感音性聋;球囊;
- I have noticed some hearing loss. 我发觉自己的听力变差了。
- Profound hearing loss 极重度感音性聋
- Have you experienced a hearing loss? 您的听力有所减退吗?
- Hearing loss caused by loud noise. 还能降低因噪音引起的听力下降。
- sudden profound hearing loss 突发性极度听力损失
- Hearing loss may not be apparent for years. 失聪不会在短时间内出现的。
- Hearing loss is more common than ever before. 在现在的社会,听力丧失越来越普遍了。
- In severe cases, hearing loss may be profound with descending curve, which imply that the hearing loss is severer as the test frequency becomes higher. 在严重病例,重度的听力下降表现为下降型曲线,即随着测试频率的上升,听力下降的程度越来越重。
- Some people describe this as the" stigma" of hearing loss. 很多人把这说成是失聪的“耻辱”。