- Production Process Analysis on Integral Front Drive Axle Housing of Wheeled Tractor 轮式拖拉机整体式前桥壳体的加工分析
- Wave Process Analysis of Well TZ30, Tarim Basin? 塔里木盆地塔中30井区剖面波动过程分析?
- The production process is now highly mechanized. 现在的生产过程高度机械化。
- The production process is to be streamlined. 生产流程还需改进。
- The production process is now fully automated. 生产流程现已全面自动化。
- Then please see its production process! 那就请看它的生产过程吧!
- Production process analysis 生产工艺分析
- Improve the production process continuously. 持续改进生产流程。
- Continuous improvement of production process. 负责生产工艺过程持续改善工作。
- Our production process is very efficient. 我们的生产过程非常有效率。
- Monitoring of production process of suppliers. 对供应商的生产过程进行监督。
- Improvement of production process and equipment. 生产加工及设备的改进.
- The process analysis,key equipment selection,and index of technical economy about one axle production line of lorry have been introduced. 介绍了一条铁路货车车轴锻造生产线的工艺分析、关键设备选型和技术经济指标。
- On the basis of process analysis, it recommends a mode of organizational structure that fit SBEG to actualize Lean Production. 在改善生产流程的基础上,提出了SBEG适合精益生产方式的组织结构模式。
- Describes the ways in which you can process Analysis Services objects. 说明处理Analysis Services对象的方式。
- Process analysis is conducted by adjusting the resource allocations. 通过调整资源分配来进行流程分析。
- We are considering how to reorganize the production process. 我们正在考虑改革生产过程。
- This feature provides a valuable guidance in process analysis and redesign. 该功能为流程分析及重新设计提供了非常有价值的指导。
- The tasks that create, modify, delete, and process Analysis Services objects. 该任务用于创建、修改、删除和处理Analysis Services对象。
- Waste conversion is a part of the production process. 废物处理是生产过程的一个组成部分。