- Contains published papers in mathematical physics and related areas that are of the highest quality. Print version, Volumes 5 and 6. Softcover. 本站所有图书及资料均可在子午学术论坛得到应助下载。
- The following paragraph does not appear in the printed version. 以下段落在印刷版本中没有出现。
- Users can also purchase download version of statistical publications and tables and order print version of publications at the Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong which is hosted on the ESD portal. 您并可在香港统计数据书店,购买统计刊物和统计表的下载版以及订购刊物的印刷版。
- In print preview, you can arrange the content in your handout and then preview it to see exactly what the printed version will look like. 在打印预览中,您可以安排讲义内容然后进行预览以便查看打印版本的实际外观。
- In the printed version of the Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit, see page 23. 在打印版本的Office 2003版本资源工具包,看到23页。
- In addition, you can print version bakeout, apply to the long version business card printing or using UV-business card printing production. 此外,还可以不差印版举行烘烤,合用于不幼版制卡或拔取UV油墨的制卡不入产洋。
- These refer to the price of the print version of publications. Apart from print versions, the download versions of publications are also available. 十五的售價發售刊物的下載版。在香港統計数據書店網站訂購印刷版,也可享有原價八五折優惠。
- This finding is in the printed version allows for CDI on printed matter than the traditional print products to expand the little line, the weight changes easier to control. 这一甘休表示在印品上不离使得CDI版印品比古板版印品扩不小率小,线条更澄辉,粗细改变更难把持。
- The printed version is very exquisite, and can mix the spurious with the genuine. 印件做得很精细,简直可以以假乱真。
- Unfortunately the manuscript itself was burned only a few years later and the printed version was a somewhat garbled one. 不幸的是稿子几年以后给烧毁了,印刷出来的本子又是被篡改过了的。
- LOGO various ways to provide printed advertising, general and India, watermarks, thermal transfer, printing, machinery, such as flexible printed version. 提供各种方式印刷LOGO广告,有普通印,水印,热转印,移印,机械柔版印等。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。
- The governing version of Terms &Conditions is on the printed Guarantee Certificate, and shall prevail when there are inconsistency between the online version and the printed version. 如网上条款及细则与产品保用证印刷版本有所不同,一切以产品保用证印刷版本为准。
- The march of time leaves its print on all of us. 时光的流逝会给我们每个人都打下印记。
- Screen printing is the silk fabrics, synthetic fiber fabric or metal mesh network Beng in the box, the use of hand-carved photochemical plate or film production methods screen printed version. 丝网印刷是将丝织物、合成纤维织物或金属丝网绷在网框上,采用手工刻漆膜或光化学制版的方法制作丝网印版。
- Headlines are written in large print. 标题是用大号字体印刷的。
- In the process of developing, leaving a printing plate cylinder, so that each part of the printed version of the full and non-woven fiber contact, the unexposed absorption of Photopolymer materials. 在显影的历程洋,滚筒挨近印版,使印版的每一局部充足不天与无纺纤维隔绝,汲取未曝平的已溶的平合质料。
- I can't read small print without my glasses. 我不戴眼镜看不清小字体。
- I will print in the missing manes for you. 我会帮你把漏掉的名字加进去的。