- In 1840, she married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 1840年,她嫁给了自己的表兄,萨克森-科堡-哥达公国的阿尔伯特亲王。
- Prince Albert is next in line to take power in Monaco when Prince Rainier dies. 兰尼埃三世从1949年开始当政,比英国的伊丽莎白二世早3年当政,因而他是目前世界上当政时间最长的国王之一。
- On Michael K s journey to Prince Albert is a process of being interned. 独自漂流在路上,并一次又一次地被殖民的官僚系统监控于集中营。
- Prince Albert of Monaco is "quite fond of cooking", according to his chef Giles Brunere. 摩纳哥王子Albert"相当喜爱烹饪",王子的厨师Giles Brunere这样告诉大家。
- Prince Albert of Monaco is "quite fond of cooking",according to his chef Giles Brunere. 摩纳哥王子Albert“相当喜爱烹饪”,王子的厨师Giles Brunere这样告诉大家。
- Queen Victoria's partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane. 王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王身穿黑色燕尾服、手拿一支手杖的图片。
- After her marriage to her German cousin, Prince Albert, the custom became even more widespread. 在她嫁给她的德国表哥阿尔伯特王子之后,这一风俗才更广泛地流传开来。
- "The works of art, by being publicly exhibited and offered for sale, are becoming articles of trade" (Prince Albert). “这些艺术品通过公开展览和标价出售,已变成了贸易品” (普林斯·阿尔伯特)。
- The survey included four Saskatchewan cities: Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw. 这项调查包括四个萨斯喀彻温省的城市:萨斯卡通,里贾纳,阿尔伯特王子和穆斯乔。
- Rainier's three children -- his heir Prince Albert and daughters Caroline and Stephanie -- rushed to his bedside. 报道说,一旦兰尼埃三世亲王去世后,阿尔伯特将按照次序继承王位。
- That was the opinion of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 总体而言,英国人民并不希望将君主制转变为共和制。无论哪个政党执政,都需要有女王来确立国家统治的连续性。
- In a comparison of 110 North American cities, Moose Jaw placed 7th, Prince Albert 10th, Saskatoon 29th and Regina 46th. 在比较了110个北美城市后,穆斯乔位于第7,阿尔伯特王子第10,萨斯卡通第29,里贾纳第46。
- Queen Victoria Park is also available for a Adolfo built by Prince Albert of the monument. 园内还有一座维多利亚女王为其夫阿尔伯特王子所建的纪念碑。
- In 1840 he helped arrange the marriage of his niece, Victoria, to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 1840年,他协助安排他的外甥女维多利亚女王与他的侄子萨克森-科堡-哥达亲王艾伯特之间的婚姻。
- Moose Jaw and Prince Albert ranked 12th and 15th respectively out of all 136 cities surveyed by KPMG. 毕马威国际会计公司调查:在这136个城市中,萨斯喀彻温省的穆斯乔和阿尔伯特王子排在第12位和第15。
- Among those who tied the knot were Longford Manderson, 28, and Sarah Chalker, 23, who fell in love aboard the "Prince Albert" in 1858. 1858年,28岁的曼德森和23岁的查克尔在“艾伯特王子”号上相爱并相伴一生的故事就是其中之一。
- Queen Victoria insisted on being buried with the bathrobe of her long-dead husband, Prince Albert, and a plaster cast of his hand. 维多利亚女王坚持要与已去世多年的丈夫艾伯特王子的浴衣和一块他的石膏手模型合葬。
- Prince Albert, who took the throne in 2005, has vowed to rid the country of its reputation as a haven for tax cheats and crooked businessmen. 2005年登基的阿尔伯特亲王宣誓,摩纳哥作为偷漏税款和不端商人避风港的威名将一去不复返。
- Indeed today in Monte Carlo, in the presence of Prince Albert the Second of Monaco, Alex received the 2007 Golden Foot award. 事实上,今天在蒙特卡洛,在摩纳哥二世阿尔伯特王子的见证下,阿历克斯获得了2007年度金足奖。
- Prince Albert said that Monaco organisers would fight to keep their race on the calendar because of the huge economic impact it has. 阿尔伯特王子说,摩纳哥赛会一定会将比赛继续举办下去,因为这会带来巨大的经济作用。