- Primula capitatan. 头序报春
- Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. 结球甘蓝 [卷心菜-洋白菜]
- Brassica oleroces var. Capitata L. 结球甘蓝
- Primula obconica-Is contact allergy on the decline? 四季樱草引起的接触变态反应在减少吗?
- New taxa of the genus Primula L. from Xizang. 西藏报春花属植物新类群.
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Primula forrestii Balf. F. 灰岩皱叶报春的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Primula vialii Franch. 高穗花报春的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- Xiaoxiao Sasa stand upright on the side of peony Primula? 潇潇洒洒挺立于牡丹报春花之侧?
- Experiment on high quality fertilizing amount of Brassica L. Var. Capitata L. 结球甘蓝的高优施肥量试验。
- Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Primula forbesii Franch. 小报春的组织培养和植株再生。
- Title: New record of plants in Zhejiang:Primula merrilliana Schltr. 关键词:植物学;植物区系;新记录;安徽羽叶报春;浙江
- Objective: To study the chemical constituents of Primula sikkmensis Hook. 目的:研究钟花报春花的化学成分。
- Cultivation Features and Integrated Disease and Pest Management of Mountain Brassica oleracea L. Var. Capitata L. 高山结球甘蓝生产特点与病虫综合治理。
- Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrate content in Brassica oleracea L. Var. Capitata L. 氮肥对结球甘蓝产量与硝酸盐含量的影响。
- Luzula capitata (Miquel) Nakai (from Japan, Korea, and Russia) has been reported from NE China. 分布于日本,朝鲜和俄罗斯)已经在中国东北被发现。
- Major morphological and economical characters and some physiological and biochemical changes of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.) under heat stress were studied. 摘要以6个结球莴苣品种为试验材料,从生长发育、经济性状和生理生化等方面研究耐热性的鉴定方法。
- A central European primrose(Primula auricula)having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels. 樱草欧洲中部的报春花(耳状报春花),有由黄色大花簇成的伞状花序
- Polychaete Capitella capitata is an excellent indicator of polluted environment and attracted the attention of marine scientists. 小头虫作为一种广分布的有机污染指示种而为人们所关注。
- An example is the S/ s gene, which determines pin( s) and thrum( S) style length in certain species of Primula. 例如报春属植物中决定花柱长短为针式型()还是线式型()的S/基因。
- A Eurasian primrose(Primula elatior)having yellow flowers clustered in a one - sided umbel. 高报春一种欧亚产的报春花(高报春报春花属)有黄色的花,集中在一边的伞形花序上